Part 7

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Two Years Later

Warm, salty sea air caressed your face and tousled your hair in the early light. Resting your mug of coffee on the porch railing, you let your gaze wander over the sprawling city toward the rolling hills and beyond. It was in the stillness of the morning where you allowed yourself to marvel in the fact that you now called this place home. In a few weeks, it would be two years since you arrived Los Angeles without a clue and barely a plan. It was amazing to think back on the path you had taken, the struggles you've had, and the sacrifices you have made.

Pressing the mug to your lips, you took a sip and felt a presence behind you seconds before a pair of muscular arms wrapped around your waist.

"The ocean is that way, you know," he teased, hooking his thumb in the direction behind you.

Turning around inside his embrace, you peaked over his broad shoulder to see the large expanse of glittering blue water in your changed view. "Ah. There it is," you replied with a smile. "Good morning."

He muttered a morning greeting to you as well, pressing a kiss to your lips as his light blond scruff scratched your cheek lightly. "I've seen you do that before. Gaze toward the East like it holds all the answers. Why is that?" he questioned with his handsome brow slightly furrowed.

You let out a sigh with a shrug. "I'm not sure. Guess I'm still waiting for those answers," you spoke vaguely.

He eyed you for a moment, then pulling you in for a tight squeeze. "It's just after 7, by the way, don't you have that meeting at 8?"

"Damn, you're right. I better get going," you uttered, releasing his arms and pecking another kiss on his plush lips. You brushed past him, grinning at his blond bedhead. Very few got to see Steve in this imperfect state and you loved it.

You moved around each other in the bathroom and bedroom as you both got ready for the day. Selecting a pair of shoes, you slipped them on as you called out from inside your walk-in closet. "Steve, did you make a reservation for tonight?"

"Yes, I did. Last week," he confirmed, appearing in the doorway. "Your car is waiting out front."

"Thank you," you replied while looping earrings in your ears. Grabbing your bag, you took one last look in the mirror and headed for the door. "I'll see you tonight!"

"Good luck!" he called back as the door closed behind you.


"Babe, we have to go, they'll give away our table. You know how these new restaurants are. "

"No, they won't. I'll be out in 5 minutes."

"You said that 20 minutes ago," you chastised Steve, still in disbelief that he spent more time in front of a mirror than you do. Tapping your fingers on the side table as you perched on the couch, you checked the time on your phone once again. It was then that you noticed a text notification you had missed, now knowing your ringer must have been off. As you opened it, your heart sank.

"But well worth the wait," Steve boldly declared with arms out and offering a full view of his muscular frame in a perfectly fitted suit. He did look amazing, but you were distracted and he picked up on your stricken expression. "What's wrong?"

You stood then, ripping your eyes from your phone screen. "My uncle died."

"Oh, Y/N. I'm so sorry," he offered as he stepped in front of you, rubbing a hand of comfort on your bare upper arm. "Is this on your mom or dad's side?" he asked. Steve knew quite a bit about your family, despite never having met them.

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