Chapter Three Transfiguration Magic

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Wednesday, 14th September 2013

I woke in my bed when I felt Ivy moving around beside me. It was my third day at The Academy and I got out of bed as fast as possible and changed into my robes like all the other girls in my dormitory. We knew what we had next and it was not the best it was my Potions Lesson with Professor Black. When we were ready we all headed out of the room locking the pets in as we carried our books and hurried down the corridors to breakfast at the Great Hall.

"We better hurry to the Great Hall and fast before we're late!" Faith exclaimed to Charlotte who was applying her lipstick extra carefully and when she finished Faith jerked her into the corridor. We made it in time and then we had the same breakfast we had yesterday with a little alteration. It was bacon and eggs with milk also porridge and sausages. We sat at the table together.

"I'm thankful we didn't have any homework yesterday or I would have died!" Poppy sighed watching Faith who barely was eating her breakfast because she was fixed on our Transfiguration book, The Beginners Guide to Transfiguration. Next to me sat Charlotte who we all stared at because she was finished doing her makeup but now looking at herself in a mirror to fix her hair. Hailey grabbed the mirror and took it away from Charlotte.

"Hey! It's not my fault you pulled me out of the dormitory this early!!!" She got cross she disliked Hailey.

"Charlotte, you can't do your makeup, you know it's not allowed especially because we're keeping it secret, the worst thing you can do is fix your looks in public!" Taylor explained to the whining Charlotte.

"Fine." Charlotte agreed.

After breakfast we rushed to the 3rd floor classrooms. Professor Black's room was at the very end. When we reached it we entered. The good thing was we were on time. Today in the dimmed room with the big black cabinet each 3 desks shared a caldron and some ingredients, by the looks of it we were going to make some potions. I sat at my desk next to Faith and Hailey. Eventually everyone arrived and we sat quietly waiting for the professor. The only chattering heard was James and his gang, the reason they were in the same class as Vulpix was that some classes were joined between houses. I thought they were probably talking about muggleborns or some other crazy subject. The door suddenly swung open and a man wearing all black and had long flowing hair made the room go cold and quiet, it was Professor Black.

"Good morning class today we will be making a sleeping potion," he started in his normal cold voice. "Ms Swift what do you need in a sleeping potion?" He asked glaring at me.

Next to me Faith's hand shot up and James snarled at her, she obviously read through the whole Magical Drafts and Potions book.

I stared back at him and replied, "I don't know Professor."

"Pity, clearly you're not so amazing." He clearly despised me.

Faith's hand still high in the air, but Professor Black ignored her, and the class continued.

"Put these ingredients into your cauldron and stir well I will test to see who has made the best." The class started to boar me I did as was told but Hailey and Faith did most of the work in the end ours was best but Professor Black thought us Know-It-All's and snarled at us. The most interesting part of the class was when Sean Rufus did something to his potion that made it explode straight in his face he ended up going to the hospital wing, Sean was always clumsy and do things wrong. At the end of the class the girls and I were relived to escape Professor Black's class. Our next class was by far my favourite it was Transfiguration that seemed to be one of my strengths. As we headed to Professor Mac Wrights class we noticed that there was a terribly hard storm outside that we hadn't noticed at all?

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