Chapter Eight The Founder's Ball

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Saturday, 6th December, 2013

“Today’s the ball everyone!” I woke up to a horrible screeching sound from Charlotte who woke up early the first time ever.  But she was right about today, it was very special for all of us and I’m sure the whole dormitory is up already because of Charlotte’s loud notice.  Most of us got up, but Poppy, Hailey, and Faith all put their pillows on their ears.  Today we had a lot to prepare not to mention with Charlotte bugging us.

“So where do we start!!” Charlotte asked excitedly.

“We eat breakfast.” Lily explained sleepily.

“I already ate!” Charlotte exclaimed.

“Then you come and sit at the table with us.” Faith got up.

“Fine!” Charlotte, left with us once we all were ready, to the Great Hall.  Breakfast was the best I’ve ever had.  We ate the best English breakfast I’ve ever tried, we even got dessert.  We finally got back to the dormitory.  I checked the clock the time was eight meaning that Charlotte had woken us up at seven in the morning!

“We need twelve hours to get ready anyway!” had been Charlotte’s excuse for her angry friends.

Elido” A flash shot from Faith’s wand, she had pulled it out in a statue of amusement and annoyance.  Charlotte had been brushing her hair and now she lay on the table unconscious.  We all moved her onto her bed in silence.

“Teach me that trick Faith, it might just come in handy.” Hailey broke the silence. 

“It’s a spell, it knocks things down, breaks things, or in this case knocks Charlotte out.  It’s simple like this.” Faith showed us all and now we had a trick up our sleeves for emergencies.   

“What now?” Fern questioned.

“I’ve got an idea!  Why don’t we study about that transfiguration spell so we can become animals just like Misty!  And we can help and understand her.” Hailey suggested.

“Alright…” I was a little unsure.  We walked down to the library in peace.  We all noticed it was a lot quieter without Charlotte.  We walked through the glass gold rimmed doors into the quiet peaceful library, there were several people but not many.  We pulled out a book on transfiguration, named Animal Transformation by Franklin Wallis. 

“See, the thing about transforming like that, is we aren’t going to be like Misty.  We won’t be able to converse with any other animals unless they are people.  We won’t have the senses of our animal like Misty either.” Hailey explained, “I did some research.” Most of the time Hailey was at Quidditch practice so I guess some time afterwards she would study my case. 

“So, how do we begin?” Fern questioned.  I went to stand behind the shelf.

“I’m going to transform so I can help you out.” I whispered, and then transformed and nobody noticed as I jumped up on to the table.

“So the first step is to practice this spell without you wands, you have to think it in your mind to help you transform, once you transform the next time will be simple because you will get used to it.” Faith had been reading the book and now she put it in her own words.

“What’s the spell?” Lily asked. 

Animalis Revilio” Faith told us.  No one spoke to me since they would not understand my meowing.  We spent at least an hour trying to learn this spell, but no one succeeded, we decided to come back later and try again, this would have to be kept secret or else, we might get into trouble.  We left back into the dormitories.  Charlotte was awake as suspected.  We didn’t get ready for the ball, instead we told Charlotte all about what we had done and had caught her up to our practice, since it may be a lot more difficult for her.  After that we all sat on our own beds practicing spells with our wands.  Now the time is five o’clock. 

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