Chapter Four Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor

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Thursday, 15th September 2013

"Get up Charlotte we are going to be late!!!!!"

Charlotte finally got up and we rushed over to the Great Hall.

At the Great Hall breakfast was already laid out and there were fabulous scrambled eggs, baked beans, toast, bacon as if it were an all you can eat buffet.

"Today is the visits to the library don't forget, we all must be there after Defence Against the Dark Arts. Professor Scarisbrick sounds like a boring professor to me." Fern sounded tired as she looked at her breakfast she had clearly memorised her schedule that was typical Fern.

"Post is arriving!" I heard someone on the Leo table shout, and it was true you could see all the owls dropping letters to all the children underneath them. Amazingly amongst the owls I saw Florian my parents had sent a letter! The letter fell down into my hands and Florian flew away. Then I saw across the table Hailey had received a very long and big parcel.

"Come on open it!" I heard Fern say from beside Hailey.

The parcel was immediately ripped open to reveal a broom stick.

"Wow! It's a Twilight 2000!" Hailey was delighted.

"Who's it from?" Taylor asked looking at the wrapping.

"Don't know didn't say." Hailey thought suspiciously.

Then I saw her look up at the professors and smile I noticed Professor Mac Wright smile and nod the broom was a gift from the Professor.

"Good morning class." I heard Professor Lynch's jolly voice.

He was standing on a pile of books behind his desk. He was a dwarf. He had grey hair and a moustache and looked very artificial.

"I want to teach you one of the easiest charms I have ever known and it gives you light at the end of your wand."

"Let's try without wands. Repeat after me. Luminous."


We tried with our wands and on the word the room was light up nicely with around about twenty little lights.

"I will be you defence against the dark arts professor." A man with small amount of blond hair on his head with a shy scared look on his face barley looked at his class. Professor Scarisbrick had just started at The Academy. Today he wears an orange robe with a vest that looked purple and some grey trousers. He seemed like a quite colourful, cheerful person, but really a quiet, boring man. The professor seemed scared of us as he talked,

"Today we will learn the disarm an opponent."

Now, wave your this." He waved fiercely.

We all copied I jerked my arm so hard it started to ache but it woke me up.

"Without waving your wands...say, Expeliarmus!"

"Expeliarmus!" We all called in turn.

The class went on forever but eventually it was time and we were let out.
Right after class I rushed over to the library remembering what Fern had told us, 'Today is the visits to the library don't forget, we all must be there after Defence against the Dark Arts'. I took the stairs down from the 5th floor. I walked down the stairs and then the stairs jerked sideways and stopped on a dark floor. I decided to get off as fast as I could because these stairs were scaring me. Then as I entered the corridor filed with cobwebs and columns with carvings of angles and the top was light. I suddenly realized where I was. On the 4th floor. I tried to get out but I recognized a rat, it was Rubius, Edmund's rat. Which meant the old crooked grey haired man wasn't far behind I ran down the corridor but I came to a locked door I wasn't ready to think of a spell so I looked around only to find a small hole in the door. I thought maybe I could fit through it I jumped into my cat form and rushed under the hole. I started to breath heavily with exhaustion, I heard Edmund's voice,

"Anyone in here, Rubius?" His crooked voice called and then he continued, "No, let's go."

I sighed. Then I felt a hot breath on my back I turned around to find myself face to face with a giant jaguar it seemed that each spot had an eye in it I looked around and it snarled at me, that explained why the door was locked but what was it doing in here? I saw a small latch under its paw and then I got scared when the giant cat tried to bite me so I ran under the door. I jumped to transform just before entering the stairs and going in the direction of the library.

"Where have you been?" Hailey and Fern both shouted at me.

I was too tired to explain so they let me listen to them first.

"We found that the Gemstones of Truth were made by a man named George Wesley. Also that there are 5 different gems, each with a different wish and granted item. We also know that George was a very good friend of Dankwood's." Faith explained everything they had found.

"Great and I know where they are." I managed to get myself to speak and explain everything that had happened.

Soon dinner came and we packed ourselves at the end of our house table and waited for dinner to start.

"Today I would like to inform you about our school ball. The Founders' Ball. You all may be shocked but since this ball is in honour of our founder's it is for all students. I know you all will be wondering where you are going to get your dresses and suits but I have arranged a whole school trip to Cinder Village all students in first and second years must be supervised by a professor. Many people will want to go with a boy or a girl, this is allowed. You may now start."

"I can't wait, I know exactly what we will do, I'll design the dresses......" Charlotte was delighted.

"And I'll do our hair!" Fern joined in.

Throughout dinner there was a lot of loud chattering and laughing. Eventually we were dismissed and the lights were turned out as we all fell asleep.

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