Chapter Six Doodle's Dresses

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Sunday, 24th November, 2013

We were standing in the stadium seats outside the academy waiting for the Quidditch match to begin.  We were dressed up in our house scarves and our normal school clothes.  All the Quidditch players were on the field and we were watching.  It was Hailey’s first match, Vulpix versus Ursus.  All the players were ready and on their brooms.

“Right, everyone is ready and they may now lift off.”  Andrew Oak a cubby boy with red hair from Vulpix announced.  Everyone on their brooms lifted into the air and I noticed Hailey rise higher on her Twilight 2000.  I watched Hailey carefully and wished her the best of luck. 

“The game will begin as soon as Professor Culpepper releases the balls and throws the quaffle to begin the game!”  Andrew announced as Professor Culpepper entered the field and opened a big chest of balls, she through a red leather ball in the air after releasing the snitch and bludgers.  Everyone zoomed around.

“Vulpix has the ball and they are headed towards the goal of Ursus…….Oh, no Ursus has stolen the quaffle.”  Andrew commentated.

Hailey just floated above the game intensely watching like an eagle.  The Ursus seeker Jonas Scarlett in fourth year, was watching Hailey closely so he could get the snitch if she saw it.  It seemed as if the snitch had disappeared because the game seemed to go on for a while and Hailey still hadn’t made a move.  Suddenly, Hailey dived and she went at such a fast speed I couldn’t quite see where she was. 

“Score!!!!  10 points to Vulpix!  The score is now Vulpix-40 and Ursus-20!”  Andrew shouted. 

All of a sudden Hailey was sent into the air and swished around violently.  People gasped and Hailey couldn’t control her broom.  A few professors stood up in concern and chatted to each other. 

“Look!” Faith gasped.

“What is it?  Other than Hailey’s broom going crazy?!?”

Taylor didn’t look away from Hailey at Faith as Faith explained.  “Professor Black is swishing Hailey around for sure.  He’s focused on her and isn’t blinking, that’s what you do when you cast a spell!”

“What shall we do!?!  Hailey is going to fall!!”  Poppy was concerned.

“I know!  I’ll be back.  I’m going to set Professor Black’s robes on fire!”  Faith quickly, zig-zagged, her way through the concerned crowd towards the professors.”

She had gone through a route so she would end up under their seats, she then found Professor Black’s seat and casted a spell if I listened really carefully I could make out the words, ‘Incenderunt!’ which was a spell that set fire to his cape and Hailey was no longer being thrust about therefor it had been Professor Black!

“Good game Hailey that was spectacular how you caught the snitch in your mouth just before you fell to the ground by the bludger!”  We were complementing Hailey on her amazing game the score ended 160-50 and Hailey had caught the snitch in her mouth.  Vulpix had earned 160 points from the game!

“Good Job Hailey.”  Professor MacWright’s voice sounded from behind us.

“Thank You, Professor!  I owe it all to you for getting me this amazing broom!”  Hailey was pleased.

“I knew you’d like it.  Now girls don’t forget to come to the garden after lunch because we’re going shopping in Cinder Village, alright?”

“Yes Professor.”  We all recited.  Obviously Professor MacWright

“Right, see you then.  Good Bye!” Professor MacWright walked away and we headed towards the Great Hall for lunch.  Hailey changed her clothes and put away her broom before we left the field. 

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