Chapter 1

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It was the worst day ever, I tried to get away and hide but it was too late, he found me...
Wait, you probably have no idea about what I'm talking about...well let's start from the beginning...
So I live only with my mom cause my parents are divorced. I don't really talk with her a lot cause she's at work all day and when she gets home she's always tired and goes to bed or just watches tv and doesn't pay attention to me...well i get it but sometimes i really need a mom...whatever.. So these few months have been the worst. I always get bullied at school and for that reason I got depression...until I found him..Mike. We met at a party. Yeah I know that's weird, me at a party? Well, I hate parties but my best friend took me there even tho I didn't wanted to go, her name is Lilly and she's 16, she's my lifesaver, I literally have no idea what I would do without her! Let's get back to that Mike guy...I dated him for almost 2 months until things started to change...HE started to change...he always felt mad and used violence against me, precisely he would just beat me up and I couldn't do anything about it, I was too scared to talk or do you know one thing about me, I'm not all. He would criticize me for everything; how I dress, what I like and other stuff. I was vulnerable. But I got sick of it! One day I decided to got to his apartment to break up with him (he lives on his own, he's 19 years old already), I was so scared that day... I ringed the bell while my hands were shaking, no one responded tho. I realized the door wasn't locked so I opened it. The view wasn't what I expected to see. I saw him with a blonde chick under the sheets of the bed. That moment was the worst, even tho he would beat me up sometimes I still had feelings for him, I don't know why.. when I saw them I had no idea how to react, I was upset but the other half of me was relieved cause I wouldn't had to face him anymore. I just turned around and exited shutting his door loudly...didn't say a thing.

Fresh Start // Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now