Chapter 5

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Madison's 18th birthday
~Lilly's p.o.v.~
Finally! This day has come! It's my best friend's freaking birthday and she's freaking 18!!!! I think I'm even more excited than she is!! Really tho, not joking! So, my grandpa is very rich, well not like a millionaire or something but he has enough money to buy a house and more, so Yeah, that is my birthday present to Madison! A house in LA!! I bought It, actually my grandpa but whatever, in LA!! We're flying there tomorrow and I'm so freaking excited to tell her this! She's been trying to find a job and rent an apartment since the day she had the idea, but not anymoooo! Super Lilly is about to save the day. By the way me and Superwoman have the same name so ayeee! ~Madison's p.o.v.~
I woke up today as it was a normal day even though it wasn't. I didn't care about the fact that I was 18, the important thing to me was the fact that I'm moving out in LA with my best friend! There was a problem tho, I haven't found a place yet, so my plans for this day were to sit on my bed with my computer searching up apartments and mostly JOBS.
I didn't want to disappoint Lilly. Around 1pm she called me but i didn't answer, I turned off my phone cause I was too scared to tell her that I didn't find anything yet.
I was freaking out and then I heard the door bell ring and started freaking out EVEN MORE. It was Lilly, I opened the door and she immediately hugged me wishing me happy birthday, I thanked her insecurely...damn that was awkward...
She obviously knew that something was on, duh, she's my best friend, she knows me better than I know myself..
She said the only thing I didn't wanted to hear: "what's wrong?"
"Uhh, nothing" I said with a smile, obviously fake, awkward and worried.
"Oh come on Madison, I'm your best friend, I know something's wrong. Spit it out" she said.
Didn't know what to do so I just told her the truth, I just can't lie.
"Uh, so basically...uh...the thing is..."
"Yeah??" Lilly said suspicious
"Ok listen I didn't find a job and not even an apapartment yet, I was avoiding this cause I was trying to find it but it's freaking hard."
"YASSS, I knew it!" She yells
I literally got scared hahah
"What? I gud bro?" I say to her
"Yes I am you loser, I was hoping you didn't find anything cause I have a surprise!!"
*Minute Of Silence*
"I bought a house in L.A. for us thanks to my grandpa!! You don't need to search it anymore!!"
I couldn't believe it, I was so happy, I ran and hugged her so tight!! Oh my Good, everything's changing so fast right now and for the best!! How could I ever thank her?

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