Chapter 36

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I really started to get annoyed by her, I didn't want to interrupt or say anything because the other girls were actually very happy to meet the boys and they were nice.
After some time I got pissed of so when that girl went in to go to the bathroom I stopped her.
Me - "Hey what's your problem? You dont like me or what?! You've been giving me bad looks and you've been attached to Daniel all day, it's really annoying me.
The girl - "I don't know who you are but don't you dare talk to me like that, and by the way, Daniel totally wants me, so fuck off, and this is not your house, you should leave."
Before I could say anything she walked off and shut the door. I couldn't been more shook. She was truly not a fan but a crazy girl fishing for Daniel. I went out grabbed Daniels arm taking him away so I could talk to him privately. I explained everything and he said:
" Oh come Madison, you're exaggerating, she's just a fan, maybe she's jealous that we're together"
Me - "You're joking right?"
Daniel - "Just ignore her"
With that said, he returned to the others in the backyard.
I couldn't close my mouth of how surprised I was. Then that rude girl passed by saying - "Close that mouth, you look even uglier."

Fresh Start // Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now