Chapter 7

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After a while I calmed down and got out, I was so freaking scared... I was terrified, I couldn't believe that he would hurt me WITH A KNIFE, I didn't know what to expect. I turned around and there he was, staring at me, like a psycho, I have no idea how I could've dated him, he's crazy..
I wanted to run but couldn't, I couldn't move, as I was blocked in fear and didn't know what to do....he pushed me down making me fall, he was about to kick me with his feet but there was a voice that stopped him.
"Hey!! What the hell are you doing? Leave her alone!" I could tell that It was a male's voice but I was too scared to look up cause I would see Mike.
I closed my eyes praying and hoping that this guy would help me, I didn't know what else to do. I was terrified. "What's your problem?" I hear Mike saying.
He tried to punch that stranger guy but failed as he was drunk and he almost fell down.  The guy punched him making him fall and knocking him out.
He ran up to me and extended his hand. I put my hand on his and he helped me get up.
"Hey are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Says the stranger guy.
"Umm yeah I'm okay, thanks. He tried but didn't...thanks to you" I say
He smiles relieved but worried and takes his phone out of the pocket to call the police. As the police arrives my mom too. She immediately runs up to me and huggs me.
I thank the stranger guy again and he says
"I'm glad I helped, I'm Daniel by the way, Daniel Seavey".
"Nice to meet you Daniel, I'm Madison Clark"
He smiled at me, looking straight in to my eyes. I have no idea how it would've ended if Daniel didn't save me. Lilly came here too and she straight hugged me. That was a very wild night.  Now Mike's probably going to Jail and that's a good thing, I won't care anymore tomorrow tho, cause I'll be moving out to the city of my dreams!!

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