Chapter 38

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We talked for a bit and then we split up. I went for a walk in L.A. and then I stopped at the park. I really like drawing but I don't get to draw that often anymore so I just pulled out my sketchbook/bullet journal/diary whatever you wanna call it and did some sketches.
Stranger - Hey loneliness, what ya doin' here by yourself?
A familiar voice scares me and I jump a little. I turn around and it's the one and only Logan Paul. He sat next to me and I explained everything, some tears dropped down my face.
He wiped then and said :
"Hey, listen to me, I'm sure he didn't mean it, maybe he messed up, he didn't know what to do. I'm totally sure he didn't wanted to kiss her."
Me - What if he did?
Logan - Then someone has to give him the survey.
I look back at the ground thinking but he lifts my chin up.
Logan - Hey, I was joking, everything's gonna be alright, you two get along so well, he would never do this to you. He loves you.

Having a friend like Logan is amazing. Yes, he's sometimes childish and even immature and all the other stuff but he understands me and is very supportive. He's like the big brother I never had. I'm grateful to have him as a friend. I smiled at him and thanked him. He drove me back to the house and I had dinner. After that I just went to sleep.

Fresh Start // Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now