Chapter 10

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"Wait!" Capricorn shouted. Scorpio, Leo and Aries turned around.

"What? I don't have time." said Scorpio.

"We're coming with you. We have decided. Eleven is better than three." said Capricorn.

"Okay. You can come." said Scorpio.

The other zodiac went to pack their things and they were all ready.

"Let's go." said Scorpio. The guards opened the gate and their eyes went wide.

"Hi guys." Libra said and waved her hands.

"LIBRA!" they said in unison. Then, Scorpio went forward and gave her a bone crushing hug.

"Where have you been? What happened to you? Did they torture you?" said Scorpio.

"Can I go in first? And I'm fine. We just talked a little. Nothing big happened." Libra said while pushing Scorpio a little.

"You're right. You should rest. You must be tired." Scorpio said and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"Gem, Aqua. I'm going back to the Air palace. You can stay here if you want. I'll go back first." Libra said and they nodded. Then, she teleported to the Air palace.


Libra went to her room and stood in front of her body-length mirror. She didn't know how she should do this. She didn't want to hurt her friends and also her father. She didn't know which side she should choose. Father or friends? She took out the needle from her pocket and stared at it for a while before putting it into the drawer. Then, she had a warm relaxing shower. She changed her clothes and took a nap.


"Hey, Libby." said Scorpio with a warm smile.

"Libby? That sounds so cheesy." Libra said while blushing a bit.

"You don't like that? But I like to call you that." Scorpio said while pouting.

"Aww.😍😍. That's okay. Only you can call me that. And only if you let me call you Scorpy." Libra said while folding her arms.

"Of course!" Scorpio said and hugged her. Then, they pulled apart and kissed. While they were kissing, the surrounding became dark and a black tornado appeared out of no where. Libra held Scorpio's hand and tried to run away. But, Scorpio was sucked into it.


"Nooo!" Libra shouted and sat up sweating with her heart rate increasing.

"It was a dream." She said to herself and tried to calm down.


"Who's it?" Libra shouted.

"It's Scorpio." Libra got up from bed and opened the door. "Come in." They sat on the bed.

"Hey. I know there's something." Scorpio said.

"What do you mean?" Libra said innocently.

"You're hiding something. I know you don't want to tell it to everyone but I guess I should know. If you don't tell me, I can't help you. You were disappeared for no reason but only a letter was left. And three days is a long period of time. It's impossible that nothing happened. Where were you? The letter said some sort of betray and revenge things. I don't really understand but...I don't know. So you have to tell me. I need to know as the closest person to you. Please." Scorpio said while holding her hands.

What should I do? I don't wanna lie to him but I can't tell him the truth either. they will hate me. I want to be with them. I don't want to leave their side. I'm belonged with them especially Scorpio. How can I tell him that 'My father is the dark king and so I'm a dark princess. He wants all of you to go evil and join his side.'? I'm sorry but I have to lie. Please forgive never forgive me for this. Libra thought.

"I'm sorry but I don't know what you're talking about." she said.

"You're lying. I know you are very good at acting innocent. I know you are the best at lying. You know how much I hate lies and why would you do this? Please, I'm begging you okay?" Scorpio said.

"My answer is only one. I don't know."Libra said with a straight face.

"Then tell me where were you."

"I was staying at my younger brother's house."

"Your brother? You mean Luke, the master of metalwork?"

"Yeah. He wanted to make something for me so he asked me to choose what I wanted. That letter was a prank. I just wanted to scare you guys a bit. And here is his masterpiece." Libra said while taking the needle out of her drawer. Scorpio took it and observed it.

"Your brother's skills are amazing. It looks great."

"Yeah. He got that from our father." Libra said trying to hide her sadness.

"I'm sorry." said Scorpio.

"Why? Oh. I know. No need to. That's okay. By the way, how are the others?"

"Umm...nothing special." Scorpio said. "I think I should go back now. Cancer and Pisces are waiting for me."

"Okay. Bye. Take care." Libra said and waved. Scorpio teleported to the Water palace.

"Let the game begin." Libra said to herself.

Sorry for the boring and bad chapter. And English is not my first language so there may be grammar, spelling, typos,etc. mistakes. Please ignore them. Thank you for reading. *bows 180°* Oopsie.😲😲😲

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