Chapter 13

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One week later...

Everyone became very worried about Cancer. At nights, Sagittarius would cry silently in his bedroom. They were all worried that they would lose each other so they stuck around.

Fire palace.

Aries was walking alone in the garden. After a while, it started to rain so he ran back into the building. He walked back his room and dried himself. Then,he jumped into his bed and rested his head on the pillow. He grabbed his phone to browse Facebook. While he was watching his phone, a hand came out of no where and covered his face with a cloth. Then, everything went black.


Leo and Libra were in the dining room talking about 'God-knows-what'. Then, Scorpio came into the room and kissed Libra.

"Bleh. Get some space, you two." said Leo.

"You're just jealous. Why don't you get some space with your Aries?" said Scorpio.

"Fine. Bye lovebirds." said Leo and headed to Aries' room.

"I am making cakes with Gem and Aqua so I must go now. Bye." said Libra and went back to the Air palace. Scorpio teleported to Water palace.

Leo walked along the hallway and stood at Aries' door.


No response.

"Aries, are you in there?" said Leo and knocked again.

"I'm coming in." said Leo and opened the door. She walked to his bed and saw his phone turning on. She grabbed the phone observing it. Is he in the bathroom? she thought and knocked the bathroom door. She opened the door and she saw nothing unusual but a note.

Dear 'whoever reading this' ,

Hi! Well...let's get to the point. Would you mind if I borrowed him for a while? Like I care. I'll just do a little experiment. It depends on him if he will get out of here alive or not. I might kill him if he gets on my nerves. Just wish him good luck. And are you curious in who I am? You guys already know about me. I'm the one you read in the  book. I may take as many of you as I need. Bye!


Leo covered her mouth in surprise. She fell on her knees and screamed on the top of her lungs and cried. Sagittarius heard that and rushed to her room.

"What happened?" asked Sagittarius.

"They took Aries." said Leo and cried so hard.

"There there." said Sagittarius while rubbing her back in reassurance. Leo sniffed and stopped crying. Sagittarius helped her up and placed her on Aries' bed. Then, he got a glass of water for her. She drank in one shot and stood up. She put the letter into her pocket and held Sagittarius' hand. Then, they teleported to the central palace. They discussed how to solve the problem. Then, Aquarius came up with an idea.

"Why don't we search the fingerprints in their rooms? We haven't try that." said Aquarius.

"Great idea. Get the equipments." said Capricorn.

They started observing both Aries' and Cancer's rooms.

A few hours later.

"How was it?" asked Virgo.

"Mostly theirs and a little bit of ours. That's all." said Aquarius. Sagittarius nodded in agreement.

"I guess we should set CCTVs in our rooms." suggested Sagittarius. Everyone's eyes went wide.

"That's a good idea but...that's not very...umm...suitable." said Libra.

"But that's the only way." said Sagittarius.

"Hey, how about we put them outside the doors and windows viewing all the entrance?" said Libra. Everyone nodded in agreement. 'Its becoming harder and tougher. I must be very careful. 'she thought to herself.

The meeting was over and everyone went back to their respective palaces. Libra decided to stay with Leo to reassure her. Leo was crying a lot.

"What should I do?" said Leo while crying.

"Just have some sleep. He'll be fine." said Libra while rubbing Leo's back. Leo crawled under her blankets and tried to sleep.

"I can't sleep." said Leo.

"I think some sleeping pills may help." said Libra.

"Yes, please." said Leo. Libra got up and teleported to the Air palace. She headed to her room and searched for the sleeping pills. She found the bottle and put the bottle into her pocket. Then, she went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. She teleported back to the Fire palace. She opened the door and saw Leo sitting on the floor with a blade in her hand about to cut her wrist. Libra dropped the glass and ran to Leo. She took the blade out of Leo's hand and threw it across the room.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?" yelled Libra while shaking Leo's body.

"Please. Let me do it." said Leo. Then, she got up and took another one. Libra snatched it again and threw it.

"Don't stop me please. Just pretend you don't see it." said Leo. Libra slapped Leo's  face.

"Get your senses!" yelled Libra.

"Let me die already!" yelled Leo. Sagittarius came from behind and slapped Leo's neck. Leo collapsed and Sagittarius carried her. Then, he placed her onto the bed carefully. Libra covered Leo with a  blanket and left.

"Do you think she will be okay?" said Sagittarius.

"What about you?" asked Libra.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Cancer."

"It would be a lie if I tell you that I'm okay." said Sagittarius and sighed.

"I'm sorry."said Libra while staring at the floor.

"That's okay. I'm feeling much better. Plus, we're very close now." said Sagittarius while smiling a bit.

"Yeah. I hope nothing bad happens to both of them." said Libra. Sagittarius nodded and they both left the room.

Hi. Someone told me that he/she didn't like something about the genders. I'm sorry if you don't like the characters. But this is my story so...I can do what I like, right? Anyway, thank you so much for reading.

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