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Two years later.

Everything went back to normal after defeating Ophiuchus. The Zodiacs decided to lock him up in the underground prison in the deepest part of the forest. They repaired all the damages on both of the realms. Everyone is happy now. What could possibly go wrong?


"I hereby announce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." said the priest. Scorpio kissed Libra and she kissed him back. Everyone was cheering for them. They pulled apart and Scorpio carried Libra in bridal style and teleported away. They arrived at the mortal realm.

"I'm still glad that everything went as we planned." said Libra.

"Yeah yeah. I was really worried back then."

"But now, let's enjoy our moment together."

"Alright." said Scorpio. Then, they both kissed each other.


Aries: Leo, can you come to the Magnolia park at 5 p.m. ?

Leo: Sure.

Aries: Then, it's set.

Time skip brought to you by the crazy Author-chan.

"Aries, why did you call me?"

Aries knelt down on one knee and took out a ring from his pocket. "Will you marry me?"

"No, I won't marry you. You will marry me." They both smiled and Aries put the ring on Leo's ring finger. Then, he got up and kissed Leo.


"Hey, my little sweet corn." said Aquarius.

"Yes, my big Aqua."

"You know that I love you, right?"


"What about you?" asked Aquarius. Capricorn walked towards him and kissed him on the lips. "Does it answer your question?" Aquarius cheered.


Virgo knocked Taurus' door. "Yes?" Taurus shouted. Virgo turned the door knob and entered. "Would you like to go out with me tomorrow?"

"Okay. I'm free tomorrow."

"Tomorrow 6 p.m. Near the fountain at the city centre. Wear something beautiful."


"Bye. See you tomorrow."


"Caaaaancer, let's go out on a date. I'm bored." Sagittarius whined.

"Let's go to the mortal realm." Cancer suggested. Sagittarius cheered.


"Gem? I want to ask you something." Pisces said while blushing. Gemini nodded. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Gemini blushed and kissed Pisces on the lips.


"Everyone found their true love and happiness. This is the best thing in my life." Libra said while leaning on Scorpio's shoulder.

"Didn't expect this to happen." They both laughed and kissed again.

The end~

I know it's all of a sudden but I did try my best. I'm planning to write a new story so please support me. And I really thank you for reading my story though it's all messed up. *bows 90°*

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