Chapter 11

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"Let the game begin!" Libra said to herself while testing her new power, dark wind manipulation.

"Let the game begin!" Libra said to herself while testing her new power, dark wind manipulation

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She closed her curtains scaring that the others might see. Then, she played with her new power. She was having fun but deep inside she hated that she was having dark powers. She hated herself. She didn't want to be on the dark side. But, she knew that it was the destiny she couldn't deny so she had decided to go with the flow.


I'm having a strange feeling. Libra is keeping something from me. I'm sure. I can see it. Why would she? She knew how much I hate lies? I don't know. Let it be. Scorpio thought.

"Hey, Scorpio!" Cancer called him.

"Hey. What are you guys doing?" Scorpio said while giving a weak smile.

" you can see, we are playing cards. You wanna play? You can enter in the next round. I also called the fire signs and air signs except from Lib. She wanted to rest. know." Pisces said.

"Yeah. Well...I want to go out for a while. So you guys have fun." Scorpio said.

"Okay. Bye!" Cancer and Pisces waved at him.


Scorpio was walking through the village bazaar. He went into the forest. After walking for a while, he reached his destination. There were grasses growing everywhere and many beautiful flowers. And in the middle of them was a shady tree. He walked towards the tree and sat down with his head leaning against the tree. Then, he fell asleep.

"Scorpy! Come and get me." Libra said while trying to run away from Scorpio.

"Don't regret when I catch you." Scorpio shouted and started to catch her.

A few minutes later...

"Libra...where are you?" Scorpio said while looking for Libra. "I'm gonna beat you up when I got you."

"Where could she be?" Scorpio whispered to himself. He was slowly getting to the deeper part of the forest. Then, he stopped when he reached a spot.

"I brought Libra here on out first date

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"I brought Libra here on out first date." Scorpio thought. Then, he continued looking for Libra. He became tired and sat down to rest. After a while, he heard rustling noises. It was like something approaching him. He stood up and turned around to the direction.

"Hey, Scorpy." Libra said with a wide smile. "Did I scare you in there?"

"Yes, you did." Scorpio said.

"Actually...I have a secret. Can you promise me not to tell anyone?" Libra said.

"Okay. Go ahead."

"Umm...that's..." Libra paused for a while and walked towards Scorpio. Then, she created a black tornado and captured Scorpio.


"Ahhh!!!" Scorpio shouted. "It was a dream. It was a dream." Scorpio said while putting his palm on his chest.

"How did I fall asleep?" He said to himself and got up. Then, he teleported to the Water palace. The guards opened the gates and he stepped in. Then, he heard a loud scream.

"CANCER!" someone shouted.

Scorpio ran to the place where the voice was coming from. Then, he went to Cancer's room. The room was a mess. The curtains were torn, the pillows and bad sheets were everywhere and the glasses were all broken. He asked Pisces about what happened.

"I don't know,Scorpio. When I got here, it was already like this. It looks like Cancer must have been in struggle."

"Does this mean she's kidnapped?" Scorpio said. Pisces nodded and said, "I think so. I'm not so sure."

"Let's go the central palace." Scorpio said and took Pisces' hand. Then, they teleported.

Yoo hoo!!! Author's here. Guys, Cancer's gone. Can you think what happened to her? will find out later. And I forgot to tell you guys that only leaders can teleport and that's why Scorpio had to hold Pisces hand. I love you, my dear  readers.

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