Christmas Comes Early

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Yesterday I was thinking how it was getting harder and harder to leave Christopher each night and thought maybe it was time. Chris had been so patient with me.

I texted Chris that I would drive in by myself this morning and got an instant response asking if everything was alright. I texted him back "of course Country Mouse, I just need to run some errands."

I called my gyno and they were able to work me in. Being around men all the time, I had been adamant to find a female gynecologist even if I did have to drive extra miles. We talked after she did her exams and the Pap Smear. The doctor told me that the nurse would be back to in to draw blood and give me the pee cup. She wrote out my 'script and I waited impatiently for the nurse. Come on, come on, the clock is ticking. I made it to the office stopping to get pastries for the rest of the team who were none the wiser.

Friday morning I made sure that I was at the door when Chris drove up. He, being a true southern gentleman, always came to the door. I didn't want him to see the surprise that I had for him inside.

"Sure you're okay City Mouse?" Chris asked at my silence in the truck. "Yes, I was just thinking."

That evening I told Chris that I needed to stop at the drug store on the way home. "Why don't you come in instead of sitting out here in the cold" I suggested. We walked in and I picked up a basket. I grabbed some nuts that I liked and headed toward the back. When I abruptly turned, Chris also did. Suddenly we were standing in front of the birth control section. I looked at him and told him that this was an early Christmas present and asked him if he had a preference. He looked back at me and realized that I was telling him that I was finally ready. He reached up, grabbed a box and threw them into the basket that I was holding. I headed on to pick up my 'script noticing that Chris was no longer following me.

In the truck Christopher asked me if I was sure that I was ready for this. I told him that I was and that I appreciated him not pressuring me.

"My place or yours" Chris asked. "Mine if you don't mind" I replied knowing that I had several special surprises waiting for him there.

We stopped for takeout and drove to my place to create the most special moment of our relationship.


Well, five months have passed since the Essence Festival. Percy said she had to stop and pick up a prescription and I got out too. She picked up a hand basket and headed toward the back of the store with me following close behind.

I could see the pickup sign straight ahead, but Percy took a turn and we were suddenly standing in front of the section that displayed condoms. "This is an early Christmas present. Do you have a preference" she asked? It took me a second to realize what she was saying. I have to admit I was surprised but I reached past her with my hand shaking and grabbed a box of Durex then dropped them into her basket. I stopped at the magazine rack as she went to the counter so that she couldn't see that whopper of a smile on my face.

We decided to go to her house that night and bought dinner on the way. I noticed the table was preset when we came into the house. It looked like a magazine cover. Percy had already put candles out around the front room and dining space and then she lit them and turned all the lights out. At the table she had moved her chair over to the space right next to me and we held hands as we ate while listening to this singer that I recognized but couldn't put a name to. "Who is this?" I asked "Roberta Flack and this next song, 'Killing Me Softly' is what I play when I want to bring you close to my heart. She told me a few of the lyrics emphasizing the words "He sang as if he knew me in all my dark despair. And then he looked right through me as if I wasn't there. And he just kept on singing, singing clear and strong." "That is you" Sonja said just as soft.

After dinner we moved to the sofa where I pulled her into my lap. We kissed for a while, actually did some very heavy petting. She kind of slid off my lap and said she would be right back. Well right back extended into almost ten minutes. When Sonja came back she was wear this white teddy. She handed me the now opened box of Durex and whispered "here, you'll need these" and then took my hand pulling me toward her. I could see a glow from the bedroom as we walked down the hall and when I reached it saw that there were more candles than I could count. It ended being up a magical night. Now we were indeed truly one.

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