two 〰 forgiveness can't be given

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warning: slight mentions of rape

First and second period went by in a blur, with a distracted Richie and two teachers who have already lost motivation to teach. Richie could only focus on his thoughts, and he wished he had friends to share them with.

Of course, Richie was popular, and he has people kissing the ground behind his feet to become his friends, but none of them have heard of the existence of the playbook, and therefore he couldn't talk to them about his dare or anything related to it.

Thankfully, third period strolled around and he had Study Hall in the library with Stan and Caleb.

"Rich." Caleb nudged Richie with his shoulder and nodded his head at Eddie, who was in the back corner of the library, scribbling away in his notebook. Richie exhaled deeply and walked over to the same table Eddie was sat. He stood behind Eddie's chair and casually put his arm on Eddie's shoulders. Eddie turned his head abruptly. (^/>)

"How ya doin', Eddie Spaghetti?" Richie gave Eddie's head a noogie, almost like they were best friends and not the worst of enemies.

"Don't do that! I hate it when someone does that," Eddie said, growling. He shook his head, trying to set his hair again. "And don't call me Eddie Spaghetti!" Richie took out the empty chair next to Eddie and sat in it.

"Oh, you love it, Eddie. It's what makes you so chuck-alicious." Richie smirked.

"What do you want, Tozier? If its homework, you're gonna have to wait a bit. I have a list from Henry Bowers to get through first or I'm going to go home with half my ribcage cracked."

"Oh, no, Eddie. That's not what I came here for." Eddie raised his eyebrows.

Why is he suddenly being nice to me?

"Well, then, can you please stop bothering me? I have to solve all of these damn math problems." He snapped at Richie, who flinched.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

"Here, how about I help?"

"Here, how about no. I don't need help, and quite frankly, even if I did, you wouldn't be smart enough to help me."

"I heard that, you skurt. And it's not true. I'm talented in the field of numbers."

"Then, solve this." Eddie pushed his paper towards Richie who looked at it with furrowed eyebrows. The problem was hurting his eyes just to look at, and hurting his brain just to think about solving.

"I, uhm, this is-"

"Exactly." Eddie snatched his paper back and began working on the problem like it was simple addition. Richie was amazed. He might've been a loser, but he was damn smart. "You have proven yourself enough. You can leave now."

To many people, Eddie might've been acting like a bitch, twat, dick, or anything you could call him, but he was acting quite reasonable for the experiences he's had with Richie. He was acting quite nice even.

If you want to get into the story of Richie and Eddie's past, you can't do so without bringing Eddie's younger sister into the picture.

Emilia Harvard Kaspbrak, or Emmy, as everyone knew her, was no doubt a gorgeous young lady. She had her mother's vibrant grey eyes and their father's dark brown hair, similar to Eddie. People even thought they were twins, considering how alike they looked.

Here's a picture of the duo, just to compare:

Here's a picture of the duo, just to compare:

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