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how are you doing?

i hope you're doing well, and if anything's wrong it'll get better!

this note was long overdue and expected, and i'm sorry for making you wait so long for me to get to tell the truth.

you're probably confused, aren't you?

but, that's what i'm here for, aren't i? to clear your confusion?

let's start from the beginning, shall we?

on august 6, 2017, an asian girl named Nikki had been sitting on the edge of her bed, bored out of her mind. she had just returned from a trip to her home country around a week ago, and her jet lag was finally starting to leave. her friends were busy that day, so she didn't have anyone to hang out with, which made the day all the more boring.

so she had gone on her small as hell iphone SE, which strains her eyes to this day, and opened an orange app named "Wattpad."

she had decided to write a new story. of course, Nikki wrote stories previously on the orange app, but she had
deleted all of them because she had been giving inconsistent attention to them.

but Nikki promised herself, she was determined to finish this story and finish it well. of course, her writing never satisfied her, though some of her readers messaged her saying her writing was 10/10, and to her, it felt like she broke her promise from the start because the first chapter, in her eyes, was complete utter crap.

as the month went on, Nikki was fairly consistant, and she would give herself a pat on the back whenever she had updated properly because even if it didn't satisfy her, it satisfied her readers, and that was enough for her to be fulfilled.

however, when the month of september came around, it provided as a barrier for Nikki. school, extracurriculars, tutoring, piano, it all came as a flood and Nikki felt herself slipping away from reality and setting herself in a trance of work, work, eat, work, work, sleep, get up, work again, etc.

Nikki's inconsistency came back, and it haunts her every time she opens this book. and so, on april 27, 2018, Nikki has made a powerful and hopefully positive decision: she had decided to take a hiatus from writing the book that had captured many's hearts in the summer of '17.
if you didn't really understand the story, that's ok. even if you did, i want you to hear my thoughts and my reasoning behind this huge decision to clear it up for you.

every time i update, i always promise that i'll update soon or that i'll try my best to update soon, but i keep on breaking those promises and it's not fair for either of us. you guys don't deserve this disappointing feeling and i probably do deserve the guilt, but that doesn't mean i want it. promise after promise keeps being broken, and i think all of us expected this note was coming. maybe it wasn't a written and published until now, but deep inside, all of us knew this was a possibility and a big one.

i know you have noticed my lack of updates. when i started this book, i made a promise to myself that i would continue it, and it wouldn't go to waste like my previous drafts.

sadly, that's exactly what ended up happening.

i don't want to delete this book, i really don't. it had been my favorite work by far, and i want to keep it alive so both you and i can see it. however,
i feel that if i don't give you guys this note, i might make that rash decision.

therefore, i had decided to take a hiatus from writing this book. my physical or mental strength hasn't been the greatest recently, and many things keep going wrong. i can't write well when that happens, though i know it's not the same for other authors.

if i write when i'm sad, i know it's not what even close to my full capability, and that's what i hope to achieve for you guys every time i update. it doesn't happen even when i'm not as sad, but that writing is better than that when i am sad.

and, now, being sad all the time, it doesn't make sense for me to update.

one more thing is, although this is important, admittedly it's not as important as some of my other responsibilities, and i can't leave those for the less important, now can i?

i will genuinely try my best to continue this book by august 6, 2018, the one year anniversary, but until then, i am going on a hiatus from writing this book.

i hope you guys understand my reasons, even if i didn't convey them that well, and i hope i didn't disappoint you too much.

remember, this isn't a goodbye. it's more of a "see you later" type of thing.

i hope you guys have a great day/night wherever you are, and i hope you know you mean a lot to me and i love you 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

xx Nikki

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