eleven 〰️ seltzer water

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did you miss me ;)

stfu you know you did
enjoy the chappie, my lovelies 💖💞💗💘💗💞💗

unedited, sorry for any mistakes
Richie was not easily impressed.

So when he caught up to Eddie, his face clearly displaying his adoration towards the boy's actions, it was a big deal. Eddie, a bit intimidated out by Richie's intense glare, despite it not being at all scary, cleared his throat. He hoped it would stop Richie, but it only helped him to start.

"Alright, tell me right now, who the fuck in all of fuckery possessed you back there? I wanna meet this demon."

"Excuse me, what?"

"Who possessed you? Back there. With Greta." Eddie rolled his eyes.

"No one possessed me, dumbass. It was just me."

"But no, that wasn't you. That surely wasn't the Eddie Kaspbrak I know."

"Hmm, probably because you don't know Eddie Kaspbrak."

"What are you talking about? I know you."

"You don't know me, you're simply acquainted with me."

"Huh." Richie made that "huh" face (ahajjeqnjsbw im sorry idk what to call it but it's like when someone says 'huh' and their mouth is open and their eyebrows are slightly furrowed oh god ykwim). "Well, um, since we're friends, may I get to know you?" He asked, hopefully.

"Well that part comes with time. With time, you'll learn the basic facts of someone. But with trust, you'll learn me. And let me tell you, Richard, you don't have more than an ounce of that from me, and it's going to take a couple hundred gallons of it if you want to find out my secrets and my memories."

For an unknown reason, Richie felt as if his heart was being pinched when Eddie said that he had only an ounce of trust. He wanted more. He wanted all those hundreds of gallons of trust, and he still wanted more. He wanted all the trust Eddie could gi-

What the fuck? What am I thinking? Why would I want Eddie KaspBRAT to trust me? This is all a dare, and you're taking it somewhere else, Richard. Know your limits and if you don't, stay where you know you won't have trouble. This fag is warming up to you and don't let him. He doesn't deserve you.

And with those thoughts in mind, the rest of the walk to the quarry was in silence.


By the time Richie and Eddie got back, everyone was already stripped down to their undergarments, waiting for the duo. Gaten, Bill, Stan and Caleb were already in the water, splashing each other with water. Their laughter was unavoidable.

"We're back!" Richie announced, his voice being a bit muffled due to him taking off his shirt.

"Richie!" Beverly stood up excitedly, going to hug her boyfriend, missing him despite seeing him no less than 20 minutes ago.

"Damn, ma," Richie says, eyeing her up and down. "Was you always this sexy?" Beverly giggled in response and Eddie felt like gagging. Sadie cleared her throat.

"Forgetting something, Richie?" She subtly jerked her head in the direction of Eddie, and Richie rolled his eyes as if to say 'yeah, yeah, I know.' Sadie wrapped her fingers around Beverly, jerking her to his side.

"Hey!" Beverly exclaimed, but Sadie's dominating look shut her up. Nonetheless, Richie went back to letting his eyes wander over Beverly's body, sinful thoughts occupying his mind.

"What's he forgetting?" Mike asked curiously, following the path of Sadie's head-jerk, obviously confused.

"Er, uh, uhm." Sadie looked around and saw a half empty bottle of seltzer water close to the edge of the quarry. She walked over to it and picked it up, dragging Beverly with her due to their chained connection. She picked it up with her free hand, bringing it to Richie.

"It's a hot day out and Richie's forgetting to stay hydrated!"

"Sadie what are you doing I hate seltzer wate-"

"Haha you don't have to be embarrassed, Richie! We accept you and your love for seltzer water it's ok!" Sadie fed the tip of the water bottle to Richie's mouth, pushing the water bottle back until all of the water was gone.

"But that's so disgusting!" Eddie chimes in. "Someone drank from that bottle!"

"Oh well!" Sadie said, a bit too cheerfully. She turned to Richie and winced at his look, which basically displayed that Richard Tozier was ready to kill. "Time to go swim!" She ran to the edge of the cliff, pulling Beverly with her and jumping off so both girls landed in the water and not the cliffs.

"I'm getting you back for this! He yelled into the water. He was about to go in, but stopped and looked at Mike, Ben, and Eddie. "Aren't you guys coming?"

"This book is really interesting. You go on, though." Both Mike and Ben were sharing a book, the title 'Di-know-saurs.' Richie mentally cringed at both the title and the scene.

"Come on, guys. Learn to have some fun! It'll be much more interesting than this book, I promise!"

"I don't know how to swim," Mike said, retreating to his book. Richie looked at Ben with an expectful expression.

"What about you, Benny? You could use it."

"Uhm, no, it's ok. Derry's a scary town and I don't like being left alone anywhere so I don't think it's very wise to leave Mike alone." Richie raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, come on, Eddie." Eddie gulped, looking at the height of the drop. He was already in his undergarments, liner over his arm, but now he began to regret and rethink his decisions.

"Mike and Ben might-" He started to squeak out but Richie grabbed his uninjured hand, not taking his bullshit. He ran towards the edge, pulling a screaming Eddie alongside him.

The last thing he heard before Eddie screaming was "What the fuck, Richard!"

There was a splash, and Richie and Eddie were in the water, Richie's melodious and bellowing laughter surrounding them.

"You nearly gave me a cardiac arrest, you dick!" Eddie yelled after regaining his breath. Richie simply laughed and splashed water onto Eddie, who narrowed his eyes at Richie.

"Oh yeah, you wanna go that route huh?" Eddie splashed a bigger amount of water onto Richie and a fight commenced between the two, Eddie having a determined demeanor while Richie's was carefree.

Little did they know, Sadie was watching with approving eyes,

and Beverly was watching with venomous ones.

eemmrmrmrmem this chapter was all over the place.

did you enjoy it? idk, i really didn't :/.

if i'm honest, i don't know whether i've taken a break from the It fandom or completely gotten out of it bc K-pop seems to be my new thing, and honestly i think i might even make a fanfic about it soon.

so if you like bts and wanna a vkook fanfic, be prepared ;).

as for this fanfic, I AM BACK!!!!!

i have intense writers block tho, so if y'all can comment some ideas on this paragraph, it would be super nice and make it better for the both of us ^.^.

wellllll i don't really have anything to say except happy summer!! and i hope y'all have a good day/night wherever you are!!'

xx Nikki

p. s. - how are my readers, mm? comment and tell me how your day was or aNYTHING talk about random shit idk ill try to reply bc i'm super bored + have nothing to do rn.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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