Storm - Jon & Daenerys

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College AU - Jon ends up in a storm on his way home 

Not even a few minutes ago the sky had been the most wonderful shade of blue. Now grey, almost black, clouds were gathering above Jon's head and he felt a shiver rolling down his spine while he tightened his coat.

When the first drops of rain landed on his forehead he started to hate it even more that he had not had the money to buy that one study book he so desperately needed to finish his essay. If he had been able to buy the damn book, he could have stayed at home today.

The cold wind touched his cheeks and Jon looked up when the thunder echoed all around him. They had been talking about an upcoming storm on the television for days. Jon had actually hoped that it wouldn't be as bad as they thought it would be, but it seemed that he had been wrong and they had been right. And his dorm was still a few miles away.

He could already hear Robb's laugh when Jon would eventually show up, soaked from head to toe and with his dark hair glued to his forehead. Robb would probably take a picture and for the rest of the year that picture would be hanging somewhere in plain sight.

"And what is a charming young man like you doing here when the weather forecast is this bad?"

Jon looked up and his eyes met the most wonderful eyes he had ever seen.

"Haven't they warned everyone to stay at home today?" The young woman cocked her head. Her white blonde hair was braided in a complicated pattern, making it almost seem like art.

"Yes, yes they did." Jon stuttered and it was only then that he realized that the girl was holding an umbrella above his head. "But I had this essay and I needed a certain book and..." He swallowed, all of a sudden realizing that he sounded ridiculous.

"I see, a very hard working student. I've discovered they're rare here on campus." She curled her lips up into a bright smile and without asking anything she linked her arm with his. "Which is odd, when you think about it. After all, aren't we all here to study in the first place?"

"I sometimes doubt that." Jon smirked and he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. He wasn't used to someone touching him. He was certainly not used to a very beautiful young woman touching him. "I'm Jon, by the way."

"Daenerys, but all my friends call me Dany." She cocked her head slightly and she kept her beautiful eyes locked with his. "Where do you live? Since I happen to be the only one with an umbrella here, I would like to offer you to walk you home."

"You would?" Jon widened his eyes and he felt his cheeks heating up. "It's three miles away."

"I don't mind. I was born during a storm like this and I happen to enjoy them. You shouldn't have left without an umbrella though." She brushed his side teasingly. "If you tell me where to go, I will follow."

"Thank you, Daenerys." Jon stuttered a little and Daenerys tightened her grip on his arm.

"You can call me Dany. Or did you think that I would offer just anyone to walk them home?" She winked and as soon as Jon started walking she fell into step next to him. "So, what is the reasonable explanation for us not meeting yet? I have been spending countless hours in the library and since you went there despite the horrible weather forecast I assume you must have been there very often too."

Jon licked his lips before he nodded. "I usually claim the spot in the furthest corner in the early morning." He bent his head and avoided her glance. "It's a very nice spot."

"But it's a spot out of sight." Dany interrupted him and she pulled him a little closer towards her to make sure they both fitted under the umbrella. "Which is a pity, because you are very pleasant to look at."

Jon hesitated for a moment, only realizing that he had started to walk slower when countless drops of rain fell on his head. "I..." He didn't really know what to say and he felt the palms of both his hand sweating. "I don't know."

"Come on, Jon!" Dany raised her voice and her laugh sounded like music. "You must have heard more often that you're quite handsome!" She was not stating it as a question. She was stating it as a fact, almost giving Jon next to no room to disagree.

"Not as handsome as Robb." He murmured, but Dany cocked her head.

"Robb Stark?" She frowned her eyebrows for a moment. "O yes, he is quite handsome as well, but in a different way. I think I prefer your handsomeness over his."

Jon swallowed and a nervous giggle escaped his lips. "You're probably the only one who thinks so."

"I don't mind." Dany shrugged her shoulders. "I don't like sharing anyway."

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