Dragons - Jon & Daenerys

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Once upon a time in a far away kingdom there was a brave knight who won all battles he fought. Quickly Jon snow was known to be the best fighter in Westeros, a compliment he himself tried to shrug off as often as he could. He was simply good with a sword, a talent he claimed to have inherited from his father and had mastered by countless hours of training. A talent he also seemed to hate as much as he loved it. To whoever wanted to hear it Jon said that he didn't like fighting, but there were only a few people who actually believed him.

It seemed impossible for someone to hate something he was this good at.

But one day, when King Roose Bolton was murdered by his eldest son Ramsay, Jon got the perfect reason to hate his talent even more.

Just like everyone else in the Kingdom Ramsay Bolton had heard about the sword fighter who won every fight. A statement that made Ramsey as furious as it made him curious. Because Ramsay Bolton was many things, but most of all he had a twisted mind that turned lethal when it was combined with his jealousy.

It was only a few days after Roose Bolton's dead and the sun had been setting already. Jon Snow was taking care of the horses at Winterfell when he received a letter from Ramsay.

In three days he would be crowned king and to celebrate his crowning he had organized a tournament. Although he presented the tournament as an unique and voluntary chance, Jon knew that if he would not attend, would not participate, he would have more important wars to fight than those in an arena.

And therefore, when the night was falling and only accompanied by the stars and the moon, Jon Snow grabbed his sword and rode to King Bolton's castle to do what he did best. To fight.

On the day of the crowning Daenerys Targaryen arrived at Westeros to congratulate Ramsay on his coronation. But she knew that Ramsay had been the one to kill his own father. And she knew that after their friendly first encounter Ramsay would declare war on her and her entire Kingdom. But she also knew how to control her anger so she could use it to crush him.

And so she sat next to him during dinner with a smile on her face. She complimented his cooks and the food he presented to her on silver platters. And she laughed out loud whenever Ramsay told a joke that probably no one but him thought to be funny.

"Would you like to accompany me for the tournament tonight, my lady?" Not once had Ramsay called her queen, but Daenerys smiled the kindest smile she could fake and pretended to be interested in everything he had to tell about the most spectacular games one had ever organized.

It wasn't until the very first fight that Daenerys' interest was actually sparked. She had never seen anyone fight with such fire and passion. She had never seen anyone handle a sword with such care and skill. And most of all she had never seen such pain on someone's face whenever he was forced to harm or kill one of the other contestants.

He was clearly not doing this for the money. He was clearly not doing this for the glory. He was clearly not doing it for pleasure or for amusement.

Daenerys felt a shiver rolling down her spine when she realized that the only reason he was standing here were the consequences he would face if he wouldn't have shown up at all. She turned her head to the new King next to her and interrupted whatever he had been talking about. "Who is that?"

"Who, my lady?" Ramsay Bolton curled his lips up into a smile while he followed her glance. "O that!" He rolled his eyes. "Jon Snow. He's said to be the best knight in Westeros. They say no one has ever beat him in battle."

"He is indeed quite good, I must say." Daenerys let her eyes wander over the young fighter.

He had dark black curls, tight up into a bun on the back of his head. His armor was slightly too big for him, but he didn't seem to mind. Even though he was winning each and every fight he wore a constant frown on his forehead and not once did he smile. "What is he fighting for?" She leaned a little towards Ramsey and spoke softly as if she was afraid that if she would speak too loud the young knight might hear her.

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