Thank You

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Putting in my earbuds I sit in the corner of the cafeteria. My Chemical Romance pumps throught them giving me hope and making me feel loved. Telling me it's okay to be myself. It's okay to want revenge. It's okay to be sad. It's ok to reminisce on the past. It's okay to be different.  These guys who didn't know that I existed help me through so much. They were my therapy. They helped me find the few friends I have. I want so much to thank them but thats impossible. But I will promise them I won't be afraid to walk this world alone. I won't let them take the light behind my eyes. I won't ever stop running. Because I became a Killjoy with them, I joined the black parade with them, I got revenge with them, and I gave them my love. As a tear rolls down my cheek I feel some one sit on the empty seat next to me. Quickly I wipe the tear away and look up. A beautiful face stares at me. They look at my My Chem shirt and take my hand. "Killjoy why aren't you making noise?" They say. Their beautiful intense eyes catch mine. They hug me. We just hug and hug. This person was familiar to me. This person was my best friend. A bell signals the end of the day. They take a speaker out of their bag turning it up full volume. Doctor Death Defy starts his monologue. "Look alive Sunshine 109 in the sky but the pigs won't quite your here with doctor Death defying I'll be your surgeon your proctor your helicopter pumping out the slaughtermatic sounds to keep you live a system failure for the masses antimatter for the master plan louder than gods revolver and twice as shiny this ones for all you rock and rollers all you crash queens and motor babies listen up THE FUTURE IS BULLETPROOF THE AFTERMATH IS SECONDARY ITS TIME TO DO IT NOW AND DO IT LOUD KILLJOYS MAKE SOME NOISE!!" On this we scream running out of the building hand in hand. So thank you My Chemical Romance for helping me find my voice and my best friend and my soulmate. Thank You. I won't ever stop believing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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