Chapter 17: More?

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Jake's POV:

So I'm just chillin here where Sam left me on the bed. What should I do? Well this is boring. Maybe I'll just go and talk to Flint and Sallie.

So I finally got the will to get up and open the door to get out. I closed it behind me. Maybe I'll just go to the balcony, I haven't seen snow in ages! It never snows in Gaston.

I opened the sliding door of the balcony and stepped out side. I should've got my jacket, it's freezing out here. I looked and saw the view. There were palm trees everywhere and it was a great neighbourhood with tons of houses. There was a basketball court near by.

"It's beautiful" I turned around. How did Sam get here so quick?

"You're beautiful" I replied. She smiled and walked towards me. When she got to me, she hung her two arms around me and I hugged her back.

"Don't worry we'll get home soon" I comforted her and kissed her on the head.

"You sure about that?!" I let go of Sam and turned. It was Flint, he was holding a gun with a needle at the end. Shit it's a tranquilliser gun.

I quickly jumped infront of Sam. "What do you want" I questioned seriously

"I know that truth about you... You aliens. You're gonna make me rich." He answered slyly.

Before I could say anything, he shot me. I looked at my chest, there was a needle in me. Everything went blurry and I fell.

Sam's POV:

Jake fell on the floor infront of me. I knelt down beside him. "Jake. Jake! Wake up!" I shook his shoulders but there was no use.

I got up and looked at Flint. "You son of a bitch!!" I yelled at him.

He pulled the trigger. I lifted my hand of in front of me. Lots of feelings were rushing through me when I saw that I created a force field infront of me. The needle was floating in mid air.

I used my free hand to grab the needle. When I had it in my hand. I walked to Flint and pushed it into him. Never should've trusted him.

I turned around remembering that Jake was still on the floor. I ran to him had knelt down again. What am I gonna do? Shit.

Wait, Jake said that powerful aliens can teleport. Who am I kidding? I can frikkin teleport. Worth a try?

I held Jake's hand. I closed my eyes and imagined our school back in Gaston, the first place we met.

I opened eyes. Yep it didn't work cause I'm still in a frggin balcony.

"Need help?" I quickly turned around. There was a chick infront of me.

"Who that fuck are you?" I asked.

"I'm just like you, there's more of us." She said

"More of us...?" I questioned.

"Are you gonna trust me?" She asked as she extended her hand. What choice do I have. I looked at Jake. This is for you Jake.

I used one hand to hold Jakes and the other one to the chick. "Ready?" She asked

"For what?" I asked

She couldn't answer because within seconds we were a whole different place. It looked like an underground place.

I let go of her hand and looked around. There was a sofa and tv, there was a working out place and a computer place and afew bedrooms and then a kitchen I guess?

I stood up. "Where are we exactly?" I asked her.

"It's our secret underground layer. We hide here so that Lawson doesn't find us" she answered.

"Who the hell is Lawson?"

"They're a group of people who are out to get us and won't stop at nothing to get their hands on us" What the fuck is she talkin bout? How can I even trust her?

"You can trust me because I'm just like you.." She said

"How did you know I was thinking that...?" I asked cautiously.

"I can read minds"

"I don't believe you.." I said

All of a sudden, a bunch of people came from every where. Who are they? There were teens and adults and afew kids.

"Are they like also...." I couldn't finish my sentence

"Yes. We're all called The Golden People"

"What kind of name is that?"

"I know, it's not the best name, we didn't come up with it"

"I think I'm gonna pass out. I still can't believe there's more of us!" I looked around, there were at least 30 people here! I thought me and Jake were the only ones.

Jake. I turned around, he was still lying on the floor. I knelt down and pulled that needle out if him. Fucking hell wait till he gets up.

"Russell, get them a spare room please. Florence come and check on the boy." The chick said

"You can stop calling me the chick. My name is Claire" she extended her hand as I shook it.

"I'm Sam and that's Jake" I watched as a guy came and lifted Jake onto a bed thingy.

"When will he wake up?" I asked

"About half an hour or so" Florence smiled as he took Jake away.

I stood up "what time is it?" I asked

"3 am" Claire answered. "Come meet everyone"

I hate meeting people.

'Don't worry you'll like these ones.'

Is Claire talking to me telepathically? Wow...

I followed Claire. She looks about three years older than me. She's got long brown hair and brown eyes.

"Sam, this is Russell, he's our main man." I shook Russell's hand.

"Hi" I said

"Hey" he said.

After that I meet everyone else which took about 15 minutes or so. Then Russell took me to mine and Jake's room.

When I got to the room, I saw that Jake was resting on the bed sleeping. I sighed and slumped down next to him.

"Can't wait till you see all this" I whispered next to him

After that I fell asleep cause I was so exhausted from everything,


THE GOLDEN PEOPLE! Woohoo. I know it's a really lame name. Do you think Lawson is gonna find them on their secret place? What's gonna happen when Sam and Jake get up?

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