Chapter 5|| Her

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I drew and I drew. All the walls of the lab. Untill I had no space left. I was still alone and after more than a year, I was still radio calling Bellamy. In the hope he might hear me.

As everyday I went outside to if there was something in the traps. I grabbed the rover.

 I found the rover when I was in Polis. I went there to see if there was something left. But everthing was destroyed, everything. And there I found the rover under a lott of trash from buildings it just stood there. Working on solar energy. So I loaded it back up and went home

So this time once again and went to eden. Thats what I called the green place.

Since it's just a year ago since praimfaya.There are not a lot off animals. And most of the time there is nothing in my traps and I have to live on plant. But this time was different. This time there was something big in it. Really big like the size of a human child. As I came closer and closer not to scare the animal, so I could plan a suprise attack. I saw it didn't was an animal, it was a child.

Carefully I released her from the trap so that she didn't got wouned. But she looked bad and sad. She was under the blood and mud and she had a big wound in her leg. She also smelled like she didn't shower in a year. That could possible be true. Since it been a year since praimfaya. But I didn't know for sure.

" Hey, I'm Clarke I'm going to help you ok? Whats your name?" I said 

She didn't say much she only nodded. To show it was ok for me to help her.

"I'm going to take care of you from this time on."

I helped her get up and put her in her in the frontseat of the rover. All the way down back home she didn't say much. But I could notice that she felt more comfortable. It was a long drive and it was all silence. But we finally we made it.

I helped her get out of the rover because she couldn't support her leg. As soon as we walk in her mouth fell open.

"Wow, did you draw all this"  was the first thing she said to me.

I totally forgot that these where here too.

"I'm Madi by the way"

She slide her hands against the walls, against all the drawings.

"These are really beautifull"

I was speechless, I could bring out no words, I was only stammering.

" Euhm, Madi, euhm maybe we...we should look, euhm at your leg" I could't get out of my words.

" Yeah thats okay"

She sat down on a chair. As I starting looking at her leg to see what was wrong.

She would tell me how she came here all alone and what happend to her family.

I hope you like this chapter about Clarke finding Madi. If you like pleas leave a vote + comment. And I'm sorry for my grammer mistakes.

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