Chapter 7|| Telling a story

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It was night when it happend. I woke up from a voice calling my name.

"Clarke wake up Clarke"

I opend my eyes to see who was talking to me.

"B-Bellamy is that you"

"Yes Clarke it's me. I need you to come with me.

I got up, got dressed and walked with him.

"Bellamy can I say something?" I asked hesitated.

"You can say anything to me" He said taking my hand.

Our hands touched and our fingers conected. Like it was made for each other. When we touched it was like firework in the sky.

" I missed you Bellamy. I missed your voice, I missed your messy hair, I missed your cute smile, I just missed you."

We stop for a moment. I stood right in front of him.

"Well princess you don't have to miss me anymore. Because i'm here now. I'm here with you."

"We are here" He said with marvel in is voice.

He pointed up to the sky. I looked up it was like a ocean of stars. All so bright some were shooting stars. Some were just staying at their place.

"Why did you take me here" I asked

"I took you here because I finally have a wish for that shooting star."

He was leaning in. And I think he was in for a kiss. I closed my eyes.

"Clarke who are you talking to. Why are you outside."

"Madi! I want you to meet someone. Someone very special to me."

"Clarke... nobody is here" she said a little hesitated.

"But Bellamy is standing right next to me."

I looked to my side to see Bellamy but no one was standing there.

"No, no this can't be true. He was right next to me. He held my hand. He talked to me. He is here."

I felt down to the ground on my knees. Tears rolling over my face. Madi came to me whiped my tears away, hugged me tight and said.

"Don't cry Clarke, it's all gonna be okay."

I started calming down. And we went home to the lab.

"So when will you tell me who Bellamy is."

It was 3 years since praimfaya and 2 years since I found Madi. And I still didn't tell her about the 100.

"Okay Madi I'm going to tell you a story a story about bellamy and my past." I said

"It all began on the ark. When 100 prisoners went send down to earth to look if it was survivable. And I was one of them. They were just childeren not older then 18. Only 1 kid was older he was 24 and his name was bellamy. He went down for his sister. To protect her. On earth it looked like they were in heaven. Smells they didn't know, the sun shining on there skin what they never felt, colours so bright like a rainbow. It looked like heaven but in reallity it was hell. Bellamy and I were the leaders of the 100. He was the heart and I was the brain. * A tear rolled over my cheek* We guided them first to the war with the grouders. Then through the mountainman. And ALIE was next. And even through Praimfaya we guided them all. It were about 10 months I think this all happend. And at each battle bellamy and I started to get closer and closer. He actually became one of the persons I care very much for like my mom. He was my anchor. He kept me centerd to the ground. He maybe was the love of my life."

"Was? what happend to him?." Madi asked.

"If you just let me finish the story you will know everything."

"He maybe was the love of my life. But the battle through Praimfaya was the worst. There I lost him. Praimfaya was a radioactive wave of heat destroying everything that comes in his path. He was about the whipe the humanrace out. But we found a bunker to keep 1000 people save."

"Is bellamy there is he in the bunker."

"Madi just let me finish the story." I laughed

"A bunker to keep 1000 people save. But bellamy and I had to get raven here were we now are. And we hadn't enough time to get back so we thought of a plan to go into space back to the ark. With the 7 of us: bellamy, I, raven, monty, Harper, echo, Murphy and emori. We had to do somethings to make the rocket work. And I had to set off a signal from the tower. But it didn't work and I had to do it manual and could't go with them to space. So they went to space and I had to run for my life to escape Praimfaya. But of my nightblood I survived just like you. And now eveyday I radio call bellamy in the hope he could hear me. I talk about everything how I miss him, how I met you. So that is my story."

"Wow that is a whole lot of a story." said Madi

So this is the end of the story. I hope you like it and pleas leave a vote and comment. And i'm sorry for anymore gramma mistakes.

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