I'm About To Break You

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8:17 a.m.

I was already greeted by Jenna. She hugged me tightly, almost pushing the air out of my lungs. I was overjoyed to see her and I didn't think anyone actually missed me.

"Kellin! I'm so happy you're here! I missed you so much!" Jenna bellowed, pulling me in tighter. She let go and stared at me. "Are you okay? Did Vic hurt you at all?" She immediately had concern in her voice.

I swear I almost said no out loud, but I had to remember to not give any clues, not even to Jenna. I shook my head.

"That's very good. I'm glad," she smiled. "I was just making sure."

I felt a wave of anger and jealousy when I saw Damien appear behind Jenna.

"Kellin," Damien mouthed, his deep voice haunting my dreams. "You're back."

I wanted to hold onto Jenna's arm as a way of protection from Damien, but I held myself together.

"Leave us," he waved, shooing Jenna away. 

By the looks on Jenna's face, she did not want to leave me with him, but she didn't have a choice.

I stood there in fright almost wanting to piss myself. My body began to shake like a cold fish out of water. He was about a foot from my face.

"I missed you," Damien uttered, leaning in to kiss my forehead. He ran his fingers through my hair, sneakily sniffing me. "I'm surprised he didn't sleep with you. I was almost ecstatic just to bust his ass if he did. He wears this one cologne and you don't smell like it. I'm proud of you."

I let out a huge breath, one that I didn't even know I was holding in. 

He smiled at me. "I want you to meet someone." He turned around and waved over a small boy with red hair.

I swear I stopped breathing for a second, and the only thing I could think of when I saw the boy was Matty.

"This is Alan. He's 13 with no place to go so I took him in off the streets," Damien smirked. "Fresh meat," he licked his lips. "I'm gonna handle him tonight so he knows who his master is."

I glared at the boy, knowing he would see the light in the worst way possible. Damien is going to rape him and he has no idea because he's so young. He probably doesn't even know what that is. I sure as hell didn't when Damien handled me at the age of 12 when he took me in. This poor, baby blue-eyed, 13 year old boy is going to feel pain today and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

Damien pulled the boy's arm and off they went out of my sight.


8:05 p.m.

One more cut and the pain will ease away slowly. When I see Vic tomorrow, I can't let him see my fresh wounds, so the only way for me to hide them is to cut myself on my thighs. I was already in misery when Vic dropped me back off here and just thinking about what Damien is going to do to Alan is killing me. If it's anything like what he did to me, I only pray Alan will survive.

I had just finished cleaning my blade when I heard chatter coming from Jenna's room. I threw my blade on the bed and walked over to her room, staring at Jenna and Alan blabbing about whatever people talk about nowadays.

"Hey, Kellin! Come in," Jenna sang, waving me over to her and Alan. "Sit with us."

I sat on the bed and eyed Alan. His fiery red hair was eye-popping. It gave me memories of Matty.

"Did you meet Alan yet?" Jenna asked.

I nodded.

"It's okay to say hi to him, Alan. Everyone here takes care of one another. And since you don't have a partner, me and Kellin will take care of you, okay?"

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