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I walked into my first class, wearing the uniform every other girl was. "This will be great" I thought. The first class of the day was math. Since I was only in 4th grade, we were doing division and multiplication. I hadn't even learned how to add and subtract yet and to do this was like doing algebra. Of course the teacher gave us homework. We had to do pages 21-31 and turn it in tomorrow morning. And no excuses on it being late.

The bell had rung and I was of to gym. At my school, the electives would switch out every day between art, choir, and gym. (Also known as P.E. ((Physical Education)) ) I had most of the same class mates as I did in math so that would be easy to remember their names. Maybe.

We had to change out of our uniform into ANOTHER "gym" uniform. This was a white or black shirt for boys and girls and boys had black basketball shorts and the girls had black exercise pants. And your shirt had to be tucked in. Since it was my first day, I had to wait till gym class started to get my clothes. So I sat in the locker room with the female gym teacher. Dumb private school.

        I watched as the teacher dug through drawers and drawers of cloths. Finally she found my size. "Ah. Here we go. A small shirt and medium pants."

        I took the cloths and went to my locker. I changed and went to my class. By the time I got out there, the kids were heading back in to get changed back into their school cloths. A girl walked toward me and stood in front of me. "Guess you don't have to do gym class till Thursday then!" Then she gave me a little shove, as if she was playing around.  

I walked to my next class, which was english. Yet again, I have almost the same kids in all my classes. My english teacher's name is Mr. Danderruf. Such a weird name. I sat down in the only empty spot in the room. Next to a boy. Boys have cutties...... Ewww!!!! Mr. Danderruf started to talk. He was saying something about big letters and small letters and how the letters get mushed into something called....... um...... should be paying attention........... words.

"Ok Students. Your first assignment will be writing a letter to the person sitting next to you. Then when you are done with it, you must hand it to the person that you were writing about. Now remember the lesson that I just taught you about writing letters. You have till the bell rings to hand your letter to the recipient. Which means the person who you are giving the letter too, Johnny."

"Ok Liz. Need to write a letter. Get out paper. Check. Pencil sharpened. Check. Know the "recipients" name. No check. Just have to compromise."

Dear Boy Who Has Cutties. i dont now yOur naMe anp Tihs is My first yeaR im scool. as yOu maY now i haVe vEry neet smaLl leTterS anp big lEtteRs. goDbi now.

I was finished with my letter before everyone else. So I sat there and pretended to write more. I waited until another kid finished and handed them the letter. Then I got my letter from the kid next to me. Then I handed him the letter I wrote. I started to read.

Dear Liz,
I an writing this letter to you because it was our assignment. I know what it is like to be new at a school, because I moved here last year from my old school. It's hard leaving your friends at your school, to go to a new one and know no one there. If you need a friend, or just some help adjusting, I'm here.
Jackson P.
P.S. I think your cute

I look down at the letter again and then at Jackson. He has a strange look an his face and is starring at my letter.

I tap his shoulder. "I don't think you wrote this letter right." He just stared at me. "Hello?"

He finally replied. "I don't think you were paying attention to the lesson. Were you?"

"Shhhhh. How did you know?"

"Well first you didn't ask me for my name. Instead you made something up. And you are not suppost to capitalize every word like that."

"What does capitalize mean?" I interrupted.

"Capital letters are the big ones and the little ones are lowercase. Now the only thing you capitalize is the first letter of the first word in a sentience."

I interrupted again. "What is a sentence?"

"Didn't you learn this in your other school?"

"Like I said in my letter, this is my first year in school. I am an orphan and the home I was in wasn't very nice to us. So I didn't go to school."

"Oh. I'm sorry. But if you mind me asking, why are you here now then?"

"I was adopted. Enough about me, how old are you?"

"I am 9. Why?"

        "Just because. I wanted to know to see who was older. And it's you, sadly."

        "Ok class. Your time is up. The bell has rung and it's my lunch break!"

        "It's lunch already? Man this class went quick!"

"Do you know where the cafeteria is? Do you need me to show you where it is?"

"No. I'm good. I have other things that I need to do first. But thanks! All see you later though, because I have the same classes as almost all the kids in the room!"

I left and went to my locker. I put the pencil that I had been carrying into a pouch with markers an pens. I grabbed my lunch and started to walk to the cafeteria. Then I spotted the girl who had talked to me in gym siting all alone by what seemed to be her open locker.

        "Why are you here all alone eating lunch? Arn't we only allowed to eat lunch in the cafeteria?"

        "I don't eat in there because it's too loud and not enough space. And plus I don't need to go get lunch. My mom packs me lunch everyday." 

        "Mind if I sit with you? I don't have many friends yet." I sat and started to eat the lunch Bill had packed me. "So......what class do you have next? I have science with Ms. Klemp."

        "Really? I do too. She is really nice but can sometimes be really strict. But I haven't ever heard of someone who had gotten a bad grade from her, even if your project failed."

Soon the lunch ended. We packed up and went to science class. When we got there, our teacher handed us all papers to give to our guardians to sign to let us participate in experiments. She had us all walk out to our lockers and put the paper in our backpacks. Then we had free time the rest of the class.

Last was my social studies class. Mr. Gare. And to let you know, Gare is pronounced Garry, so another teacher with such a weird name. We sat down in our assigned seats and I was yet again next to Jackson. Great. Boys. I zone out for this class too, not really interested in the rivers of Asia.

I start to doodle and soon enough the bell has rung, stating that my first day of school was over. I get on the bus and start to think. After this year, there will only be 8 more years until I go to college. Yay. 8 more years of this.

P.S. Feel free to correct any spelling errors you see or incorrect uses of words. I can't spell to save my life. :) Please leave the corrections in the comments and I'll get to them as soon as possible. And I'm sorry I can't always update because I am a VERY busy person. But I'll try my best for you guys (and girls :) ). Thanks for reading and if you haven't already, you should check out my other book(s). I try to make all my books to be as interesting as possible. Also I'm going to try to work on two chapters at a time so that I can start trying to update more regularly. One last thing, I'm in school right now, so I am busy with that too.  Thanks for your support!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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