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I looked at the time and it had gone past 6. Sighing, I got up of the sofa and headed straight for my room.

Once in I saw Ember staring out the window with her eyes narrowed on the forbidden forest.

Rolling my eyes at her 'dramatic' behaviour, I decided I would play with my pets for a bit.

Sooty was curled up on.....MY FRESH ROBES FOR TOMORROW!

Great now there is going to be cat hair on my clothes.

Pippin was at the foot of my bed, lying on the floor, whilst Thanatos was in his box.
I was advised not to let him out when I wasn't in the room.
Even though his eyes can't kill yet, he is still classed as dangerous.

I carefully lifted him out of the box and made my way over to my bed. Pippin soon jumped up to join me.

Once we all got comfortable, Thanatos on my pillow by my head, Sooty laying on my chest and pippin curled up with her head on my legs.

I could hear a snort and a giggle.

"You look silly like that!" It purred.

I looked up and at the end of my bed sat Ember's familiar Cheshire.

I looked up and at the end of my bed sat Ember's familiar Cheshire

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She placed a spell on him so he could talk. She said she would teach me the spell in the summer!

"Go away Cheshire" I sighed, petting my pets.

I love my animals, I know they are never going to think of me as a traitor or evil.

"(Y/N) get up we have to go" Ember said getting her jacket.

"What? Go where?" I said refusing to get out of my comfortable spot.

"There's something in the forbidden forest!" She hissed pulling me out of bed!

"Hey! Then you go sort it out, it's not my problem, I'm sure there are hundreds of things in the forbidden forest!" I yelled back, trying to snuggle back in bed.

Suddenly her eyes glowed gold, and I was lifted up of my bed.

"But they are in our territory" That changed my mind, I may not mind other creatures being in the forest but not my territory! That's my place of sanctuary.....apart from my bed.

She let me down and started to lead me out of the room.

"But we aren't allowed to leave the common room" I realised, looking up at her, she was contemplating the options.

"You can shift at will right?" She questioned, to which I nodded.

We walked over to the window, unfortunately it wasn't a night window, and since our room in in higher ground of the common room, the black lake is right underneath.

"You'll have to change either as you jump or in the water" I closed my eyes getting ready to jump.

Concentrating on changing.
I jumped.......and fell into the water, however my form changed as I did.

I shot out and flew towards the forest.

It didn't take long for Ember to catch me up, but I was still faster than her.

Harry's POV

"Harry!" Ron tugged on my robes, with a frightened look upon his face.

"What?" I turned to look at him, but he was looking and pointing upwards. Looking up, I saw that there were tons of spiders coming down from the trees.

"Well, thank you, we'll just go" I said to Aragog, and started to back away towards the exit.

"Go?" I saw Ron nod int he corner of my eye, "I think not, my sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid, on my command, but I cannot deny them fresh meat when it comes wandering willingly into our midst"

Suddenly there was a rumble, and two ear piercing roars. One was familiar but not the other.

"Your midst!?" A voice growled.

Me and Ron had tried to leave but spiders had circled around us.

"Know any spells?" Ron asked terrified, "one but it's not powerful enough for all of them" I replied.

An argument was going on between a dark creature and.....(Y/N)!?

The car made a sudden appearance, smashing some spiders out the way.

We quickly climbed in and drove as fast as we could. Some spiders had jumped on to the car!

We soon made it out of the spiders den.

"Glad we're out of there" Ron said, getting his breath back.

When a spider had jumped on to the side and had grabbed Ron.

He screamed in fright, I grabbed my wand and aimed so the spell would hit the spider.

"Arania Exume!" The blue light, shot the spider right off the car.

"Thanks for that" he squeaked out.
"No problem" I replied, looking forward I saw tons of spiders climbing out of the pit.

"Get is out of here" I said to Ron as they started to advance.

"Now!" I shouted waking him up from his terrified trance.

The car was fast, but unfortunately the spiders were faster.

We tried to get into the air, however the gear was jammed.

The next thing was saw were two black shadows moving fast, and fire, burning the spiders, killing them instantly.

4 black paws had landed on the car, and the car started to lift up.

Removing us from the forest and dropped us onto the school yard.

We climbed out of the car and look at the pawed creature.

However it was staring back into the forest.

"(Y/N) is that you?" I questioned, she looked at us and snorted.

(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N) is that you)" I heard Potter say. I turned and snorted at him, and turned my attention back towards the forest, waiting for my sister.

She soon can flying out and I followed her back to the window.

We soon got back, and I changed into my (f/c) pyjamas, put Thanatos back in his box, and snuggled into bed for a good night sleep.

I'm A Riddle {Draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now