Chapter 4

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After fixing her up as best as I could, I allowed her to walk with me for the last time. She could tell I was sick of her but she still tried. To some people that was an admirable quality but to me, it was irritating.

In order to get to the school exit, one must pass a series of classrooms which is standard for a school. As we were making our way past these classrooms, strange noises we being emitted from one and we had to stop to figure it out.
"Disgusting." I hissed, guessing it was the sound of two foolish students kissing when they thought no one was around. I began to walk again but Emily stayed dead in her tracks, a look of horror stayed imprinted on her face.

When she walked towards the door, she only went one step at a time and when she reached for the handle, I noticed her hand shaking. In the hallway where I was standing, I felt the temperature drop dramatically. I could almost see my breath and yet it was mid August. In the light that had spilled from the window of the door, I noticed her face shining with trails of tears. From this reaction I could tell who was in the classroom kissing.
"Matt! Matthew what the hell are you thinking?!" She screamed too loudly while ripping the door open. I had to run to the doorway to get a better view of why was going on. Matthew didn't have any look of regret on his face and neither did the girl, who kissed his cheek, smiled at Emily and left without a word.

If anything, Matthew looked proud as he leaned on the nearest desk, staring at his vexed girlfriend, who I had a feeling wasn't going to be after this. During her rant, Matthew yawned to show how much he didn't care. That, or he couldn't even understand what she was saying by how much she was crying. The only clear thing we could hear her say was when she asked him to explain himself to which he did.
"Well, you're not very smart and I liked that about you and you're looks were the main reason I got with you but those have definitely changed in the past week." Honestly, I could see where he was coming from. As days went by, she was getting paler and angrier and unhealthier. Painful would have been an understatement.

The scene was interesting to watch either way. She punched him and hit him but she was so weak it had no effect. If anything, it made him chuckle that she tried.

Once she had finished with Matthew and her tantrum, she sprinted out. Realistically, I was thinking she would stop by me and we would continue to walk but she ran straight past me instead, balling her eyes out.

I still don't know what it was that made me go after her but my legs wouldn't stop running in the directions she was going. Additionally, my legs knew where she was going too. I did.

The blue sky above us faded into a peachy pink as the sun was just peaking at us from the horizon. She had turned the last corner to her destination but when I turned the corner, it was too late. She was crying on the side of the river, standing on the railing that stopped people jumping off for their own safety but this was deliberate.

This was going to turn into suicide.

In an attempt to stop her, I was going to call out but something stopped me. Not physically but I just couldn't bring myself to shout. All I could do was watch, like I always had been. Deep inside, I know she could feel me watching and that's why she did it.

She turned around to face me, still standing in the railings and weeping. She mouthed something to me and that's was it.

She fell back.

There wasn't anything I could do; I was frozen in my tracks from horror. She didn't leave a note or any trace it was a suicide so I had to get out of there before people accused me of murder. While I was running away...

I heard her land.

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