Chapter 13

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That pain in my wrist was what I woke up to and not to mention the several faces of the preps staring down at me. Questions spilled from my mouth but I was hushed immediately, being told not to waste what little energy had.
"She attacked you. What the hell were you thinking?" Georgia's hand slapped me across the cheek hard, leaving a tingling stinging pain and what felt like a deeply noticeable red mark. If I were to be honest, I knew I deserved that.
"Going out by yourself like that? What did you think she'd do? Spare you for abandoning us?" It was Molly'a turn to slap me but Adam and Matt stopped them birth from doing anything else. Looking around, I found we were back in the infirmary where I found Faye. Lord knows how we got there but we felt safe. At least, I knew I did.
"She sent me a message through the CCTV cameras. She wanted to see me and I had to find out what she said to me." They didn't care so they didn't ask about it. All we wanted was to get out of here.

"Did you try the phone?" I asked, managing to finally sit up though my wrist needed serious medical help. I also had bruises everywhere and other injuries that needed to be cleaned and covered. Any more pain and I felt I would pass out once more.
"Yes, we may have to find Cameron and his friends to help fix the satellite. With only five of us, four in good condition, there's nothing we can do." Adam answered, attempting to open the window but it showed no signs of opening or as a matter of fact, ever being opened. We had completely gone off task and had stopped looking for an exit and now, as times were getting desperate, we were beginning to search again.

I watched everyone work from the bed but one thing caught my eye.

Molly's neck.

She continued her talk with Georgia as if she couldn't feel anything but there was a horrid purple mark, spotted with red on her neck as if she were being choked. Georgia was seemingly unaware of it. I kept staring, unable to say anything because of the confusion and how startled I was by it. It got to the point were she began to cough and choke, putting her hands up to her neck and collapsing onto her back. Blood trickled from her nose and mouth while she struggled to respire. Everyone but me ran to her aid, trying with all their might and using all their knowledge to save her.

The life from her eyes had drained, she stopped coughing and choking, her arms went limp and her body was left lifeless.

Molly was dead.

The death count had made its way up to twelve. By now, everyone had come to the conclusion that it would only stop until everyone that needed to was dead. It was inevitable but I wasn't going to give up trying.

Our moment of silence for Molly was interrupted when a random stranger sprinted in, clambering to the window and looked back.
"If you see him, tell Cameron I'm sorry. I'm not going to die at her hands! I'll die how I want to!" With the assumption that she was Cameron's friend, she leaped from the window. This left us confused but sad. We didn't know her; she didn't need to die. Because of Emily, innocent people were dying needlessly and even I knew that that wasn't what Emily would've wanted. Something was wrong and off.

Cameron soon followed but we had to be the sorry ones to tell him that it was too late. He'd broken down, telling us that was his first girlfriend and she'd done nothing to Emily. None of them even knew her until now. She had to be stopped.
"Now isn't the time for grieving, though," he had begun. He leaned out of the door way and shut the door. "You all need to hide; she's on her way."

Some of us climbed into cupboards, one in a locker and me and Georgia laid under the beds, not caring about having Molly's blood trickle down to us as disgusting as it was.

We'd been through worse that night.

The room had turned pitch black. Not a single thing could be seen no matter how hard your eyes had been strained. It was as if we were blindfolded. That didn't stop us hearing the door sliding open and footsteps echoing as if they were in the room.

Oh wait, they were.

Strangely, however, they had stopped just as suddenly as they had started. There was no noise. We could see nor hear nothing.

The only exception was the loud thud we heard and a soft giggle before the door closed again.

Thank god my watch didn't give us away.

Our vision had finally returned but it was the first thing Georgia and I saw that made our mouths drop wide open.

Or rather it was what we didn't see.

There, in the place of Molly's body was just blood. She had gone. All of us made the right decision to stay hidden a little longer.
"Molly's body, where is it?" Georgia whispered, crying ever so slightly. No one answered right away but eventually, Adam, who was hiding in one of the high cupboards, gave us a response.
"Well, you're right when you're thinking she's certainly not on the floor." We crawl out and stand, it took us a while to find it even though it was hanging right behind us.

Georgia yelped of both surprise and disgust when she first laid eyes on her friend, hanging from the ceiling with her eyes wide open.
"We should cut her down." I suggested but no one wanted to volunteer for the job so I suppose it was something I had to do.

By now, I was sure all of us had cracked the case that the reason her neck was so mutated was because this was her fate. Those were the burns from the rope on her neck as if it was a warning and I couldn't help but think to myself: If that was a warning, where's our next one? How do we prevent it?

Who's next?

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