Chapter 18

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Everything was white. For a split moment, I was convinced I was dead but the sounds of a hospital eventually became familiar. She really did let me live.

In the corner of my room, there was a television displaying the news. It didn't bother me much until I heard the name of my high school being mentioned, of which I looked back attentively.

According to what the reports said, our school had burned down, killing one-hundred and twenty three students inside. Physically, my jaw dropped open. How could they not see by the blood on the walls, corpses decapitated and even one stuffed in a locker that it was a massacre! The thought of being the only survivor began to make tears flow from my eyes. All the families...

My thoughts were interjected by the nurse entering in her heels.
"Feeling better?" She asked. I was wondering if I was in a coma and it was all a dream and there really was a fire but it couldn't have been. My wrist was broken and I could still remember everything. I could recall every detail if I was asked to. But to answer her question, I was feeling worse if anything. At least I was happy to be out of there - alive.

My mouth opened to answer to nurse but my eyes widened and it shut instantly. There, in the corner of the room was the person I was most afraid of now.
"E-E-" I tried to get it out but I had been traumatised without surprise. Instead, I raised my one good arm and pointed. The nurse turned and looked but when she turned back, she was confused. Perhaps she couldn't see the dead girl smiling in the corner.
"What is it?" She asked almost impatiently. There was nothing I could do to give more information. I was traumatised but Emily quickly left, leaving me debating whether it was just trauma playing mind ticks. Emily once mentioned that once it was over, she'd return to hell to finish what she had started in the school. She had left me alone. She had no work up here anymore.

Before she left, however, she told me she would watch as people called me crazy.

If I still remembered all that, how could it be a dream. I tried telling the nurse everything but she just couldn't understand.
"Nurse, the news is full of lies!"
"I know, dear. The media isn't trustworthy. Would you like jelly?" I declined the jelly for the simple fact I was desperate for her to listen. Someone had to know the truth by now.
"The school didn't burn down! It was a massacre! I was thrown! That's how my wrist was broken! It was a ghost!" She didn't listen anyway and shoved the jelly into my mouth to shut me up. If only just started with my trial but already I had given up. Even just listening to myself made me feel stupid.

Time was nothing but a mystery to me but when I looked out the window, it was only just getting light. How long were we trapped for? How come I was the only one lucky enough to survive to see the sun rise another day? Questions made my head ache but there were so many left unanswered. Most would never be answered.

The nurse left, much to my luck. She wasn't exactly the idea of caring or patient as you would expect a nurse to be but at least now I could be alone with my thoughts. My thoughts filled with terror and death. They were all scary enough to keep a fully grown man up at night.

I closed my eyes and drew a deep breath, wishing there was a way we could all be here but once they were closed, paralysis took over me and I couldn't even open my eyes.

"You want everyone to be here? Am I not enough?" The cold breath on my ear and the raspy voice gave away exactly who it was, though it seemed impossible.
"I'm afraid they can't make it but how about I take you to them? Don't struggle. Oh wait, you can't!" She giggled a psychotic giggle whereas no matter how hard I tried, my body would not follow my brain. 
"Sleep well and I'll see you in hell, hee hee." I felt a prick in my neck and somehow, I felt different.

I felt cold.

There was a light so close I could touch it.

She had injected me with something.

My heart wasn't beating.

Even though I survived the school, she killed me here.

Why, Emily?

"Because," I heard her say in what was left of my brain activity.

"Now we can do it all again...together."

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