Chapter 11

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Coming to our aid, Cameron was the ideal example of a literal life saver. Without his help, we wouldn't have been looking at the cameras, searching for Faye.
"I have to go back and check on my friends," the brown haired boy started. He seemed sweet enough to stay with them but the fact he helped us was everything even though we had nothing to offer in return. "If you need me again, I'll be in one of the classrooms probably." He shut the door behind him, leaving just me and the preps once again.

Cameron was a character we didn't want to see go but he had his friends he needed to protect and we had ours.
"Look! There she is!" Adam pointed to just one of the many screens in here that held an image of Faye, crying alone in what seemed to be the library. Paper was scattered everywhere as if they were leaves in autumn.
"Should I call her?" Georgia asked, reaching for the phone that laid beside the keyboard but I hastily slapped it away, my eyes still glued to the screen. I ordered her not to and told everyone to watch. She was crying, her eyes darting around the room as if looking for something.

Or rather, someone.

She wasn't alone clearly. Her hands were clasped together as she started to pray, hoping to god the thing in the room with her never found her but with her eyes closed, she was unaware the thing was standing right behind her. You could hear everyone in the room draw breaths and hold them. It felt all too much.

An idea struck my mind that would get the attention of Faye. I pressed keys on the keyboard that moved the camera itself and just as I'd expected, the humming of the machinery managed to bring her back from her prayer and into reality. She had a brief idea of where we were but didn't know how much her life was on the line right now.

She snatched multiple sheets of the floor, tears creating water stains but those were the least of our worries at that tense moment. She also took a conveniently placed pen near her and started writing on the sheets before showing them to the camera, knowing that Emily was right behind her.

She could probably feel the cold, dead breaths on her neck.

She held the cards up one by one, flashing them to the camera.

I'm sorry.

I wasn't kind enough.

I regret it all.

My time has come.

Matt, I love you.

On the last card, Emily faded with the wind yet again but Faye had jerked forward unnaturally. Her eyes were wide and tears we flowing thick and fast as slowly, blood oozed out of an open wound in her stomach. Georgia screamed and fell weakly to the floor but I was too stunned to move. The death count was now a staggering eleven.

The preps had cried themselves into naps rather pathetically. I was the only person awake in this room which meant I had to be the one to watch over them.

After that show through the camera, the library camera had been off, the screen for it only covered by hypnotic static. Our mission to find out what happened to Cassidy had failed since just like the library one, the camera located in the infirmary was nothing but static too. Cass' body still hasn't shown up anywhere either. There were only five more working on this and the second floor now. The roof, entrance and third floor had their own set.

Clicking echoed throughout the room as I clicked multiple buttons, changing the cameras. One in the hall, one in the computer room, one in the locker room and two club rooms. Each one didn't show anything out of the ordinary, I got so bored I even looked around to make sure the others were still asleep. I'll admit, I was in need of a nap also.

My adrenaline returned once the fear inside me was kicking up when things started to change between the cameras. Pieces of paper were stuck to the lenses and numbers beside them.
Camera 1: Right 4
Camera 2: Alone 3
Camera 3: Me 2
Camera 4: Meet 1
Camera 5: Here 5

Emily was manipulating us so much she'd even got to the point she'd even given us a puzzle. It didn't exactly take me long to figure out the numbers by the words were the order they went in.
Camera 4: Meet 1
Camera 3: Me 2
I didn't exactly like what this was turning out to be already.
Camera 2: Alone 3
Camera 1: Right 4
Camera 5: Here 5

On the very last camera, I staggered back, covering my mouth to make sure I don't scream due to the picture that was in front of me. Emily in a club room holding the smile, that same grin planted on her face and her uniform stained with even more blood which presumably came from Faye. From her eyes trickled the metallic crimson substance as if it had replaced her tears.

My subconscious told me not to go but something else told me to. I needed to. Perhaps it was the fact I felt it was necessary to make up for all the times I had regrettably wronged Emily.

I had made up my mind, though and it was already too late to change it.

I was going to see her no matter what.

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