Chapter 14

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We were all pretty on edge by now. Cameron had to stay with us because all his friends were dead. Without us, he would've been wandering that school alone and I couldn't think of anything worse.

My wrist was still in agonising pain but the preps had done their best to fix it up with bandages until we could escape to get help. That was if we even could.
"We still have to get up to the roof to fix the satellite. This isn't over." I had to remind everyone. They didn't even need to reply; their faces said it all. They clearly didn't want to leave the room but jut like with homeroom: Emily would be back in just a matter of hours, minutes or even seconds.
"Otherwise," I continued. "We can't get help. For Molly, for Faye and for all those we've lost or have been injured." I raised my arm up to signify I classed as one of those I just listed and I needed help. They finally had come around to idea, accepting that they had to do this.
"But we're not separating let's go altogether." Matthew said. That was the first real smart thing he'd actually said since this school was first overrun by the dead girl we all used to associate with in some way.

Once again, the hallway was an eerie silent and horrifyingly empty mess. Notes were stuck to the wall with threatening messages written by Emily, on the floor there were bits of corpses and the weapons used to kill and decapitate them. All we had to do was make it to the stairs and then it was just straight up. Of course, the rooftop would be swarming with different kinds of ways we could die but judging my the pleads for help, Emily was occupied elsewhere.

A couple of us contemplated answering those calls but the others had to persuade them it was all a trap. For all we know, there could have been no way to save them and we would've had our lives on the line for a person who was already dead. Jaculiferous tools were scattered all around the place, stepping on one would make it a trip back to the infirmary for another few hours. Some of the tools we had never even seen before.

Successfully and painless, we had made it to the staircase that led upwards to the roof and there was a staircase that led down to the ground floor, where we could have escaped if Emily ever let us.
"Do you think we should arm ourselves?" Cameron sheepishly asked. Matthew scoffed and folded his arms, creating a new rivalry between the two of them. Needless to say, it was unnecessary and annoying.
"She's a ghost. What are we going to do? Stab her through her transparent boy and kill her again?" His snarky comment made Cameron snarl with anger but it was up to me and Georgia to calm them down.

We had a job to do and someone hunting us down while we did it.

It wasn't going to be easy.

We leapt up every other stair in a panicked hurry. We were getting amazingly far until Georgia stopped, clutching her head tightly in both her hands. We questioned this, telling her to hurry it up or we were going to be found but something was wrong. She had managed to suppress it but I could tell this strange headache that had just leapt onto her was still there by the way she was becoming easily off-balance.

The last stair had us all bent over in huffing messes but we were so close. All we had to do now was open the door, fix the satellite and call for help. Three easy steps were in the way of us, the current survivors and our freedom.

At the excitement of this, we swung open the door and sprinted for it, but Georgia stayed behind. I turned, slowing my run and looked at her with a quizzical expression. Something seemed off about her but after all, she just lost both her best friends horribly and hasn't really had a good enough sleep. Bearing in mind we had only been there for a couple of hours.
"Georgia, are you alright?" I asked but she looked up, a smile on her face and insisted she was 'good to go'.

While that was happening, the boys had reached the satellite and was already meddling with it, twisting it, turning it, pulling and pushing it until at last, I shouted for them to keep it there, staring in delight at the three bars of signal I had on my phone.

The air was cold but refreshing up here. While I stood there on my phone, listening to the rings after I had dialled the police, Matthew went to look at the storm closer, standing relatively close to the edge. We were all soaked to the bone but we couldn't care less, we were about to be free. I was watching Matt while explaining the whole story to the police, knowing any minute even my dad could show up. Georgia was slowly wandering up to Matt but she wasn't going to the side of him to look at the clouds and the rain with him. Instead, she creepily stood behind him, staring at his back before shoving him. We all screamed as Matt flew over the edge and the police were worried, asking question after question whereas I didn't listen.
"Georgia what the hell!" Cameron was yelling.

As sorry as I felt for her, I had to tell the police what just happened and tell them:
"Make the death count approximately thirteen." Hot tears streamed down my face.

I was so done.

I was so ready to go home.

Cameron and I stayed on edge after I put the phone down just in case Georgia was planning on something else. Instead, she picked up what looked like broken glass amongst all the debris and stared at us. She held it up in front of her and dragged the shard across her throat, causing her to choke and rapidly drop to the ground. The death count had increased to an abnormal fourteen.

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