love is brewing

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Bayanis POV:

Bee logged onto skype and she called me. she sounded so happy and her sweet kind calm voice echoed through my heade and it was only until she snapped me out of it i realized what she said.

"Me and straub are over he was to controlling he never let me hang out with you ever and he had a go at me when ever we spoke so i ended it. " I couldn't have been happier. she could now be myn. But wait no she couldn't she has just come out of a relationship i cant ask her now its to soon and she might think I'm to pushy and then there's also the fact of that she probably wont like me and she will probably reject me.

We played the cube for hours I helped her build her shop and she told me more about her ideas for another shop and it was a really good idea. she opened up to me about straubs and her relationship. It felt good to know more about her. we talked on skype for hours as well and i felt like we were closer than ever and i was loving every minute of it.

"so bee are you going to paxs? you know this year "

"urm of course i wouldn't miss it for the world"

"Great i get to finally meet you "

"And i can finally see the mysterious Jordan"

"ha ha don't get your hopes up "

and then she had to go but I was so nervous paxs was is one week and i needed to tell someone about my love ... yes love i love bee. i needed to tell someone who i can trust so i called graser and grape up.

"hey guys i have been needing to tell someone about this for a while and i decided to tell you guys but you have to promise that you don't tell anyone please"

"yeah sure thing mate" grape reassured me 

"yeah man " graser said in response

" I am madly and completely in love with bee. I just cant get her out of my head and she means everything to me but if i tell her she might think I'm pushy and needy. but if i don't i will regret it for the rest of my life.also what if she rejects me i would be destroyed completely."

"aww man Jordan you need to tell her"

" I know grape but when "

"tell her at pax shes going right ? tell her then it would be the perfect place"

" Graser you are a genius but any way i have to go guys bye "

"see ya "


It was the perfect idea me and bee meeting at pax and me telling her how i feel i hope it goes ok it should do.

Straubs POV:

I bet its bayani. i bet thats why she left me. He has corrupted her. for fuck sake why the fuck does he have to ruin everything. I bet they will fall in love in pax. Not while im there no they wont i will get my bumbble bee back no matter what ! I hate him. he wont win ever.

that night in my head i was going over all of the ways that i could get rid of bayani and reclaim bee. so many good ideas i might just have to use 1 or 2 of them.

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