The Great Witch: Maple

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A girl stared into a ball. "It's gone! I can't find it anywhere! Curses! Is this a crystal ball or a snow globe?!" She tossed the ball away. "It's supposed to somewhere here in the Temple of Seasons. I won't give up. I need it to get my witches license! I'm going to FIND the Rod of Seasons... or my name isn't Maple."

Back outside the Temple, Link and Ricky stared up at it

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Back outside the Temple, Link and Ricky stared up at it. "The Temple of Seasons sank into the ground back on the plains. How'd it get here? And where are we? All these volcanoes... its horrible!"

Piyoko looked around. "This is Subrosia! The people who live here, the Subrosians, mostly eat lava."

A girl was reading a book, until a little crystal ball rolled over to her. "Hm?" An image of Link and Ricky walking into the Temple was shown. "Thanks for the tip! Trespassers!"

Link gaped at the huge mess inside the Temple. "The Temple has been ransacked! Was someone here before us? It looks like they were looking for something."

A girl floated, while sitting on a broom behind a cracked pillar. "I'll just hide... and scare the invaders away!" She took out a little skeleton doll, and threw it. It landed, and a big smoke cloud in the shape of a skeleton face appeared.

"A monster!" Link and Ricky both swung and punched it. It disappeared, and a little skeleton doll was cut in half on the ground.

"They ruined my illusion! I won't stand for it!!" The girl pointed her broom, and a big fish monster appeared.

It startled Link and Ricky, but Ricky quickly did a powerful punch on it. The force made it blown away, revealing a girl with a tall hat. "Owww!!"

Link paused. "A-A girl?"

The girl looked up, picking up her broom and sweeping it on the ground. Dust suddenly flew up and somehow made Link and Ricky trip. The girl pointed at them.

"The Rod of Seasons belongs to me, The Great Witch Maple! Now BE GONE!" Link coughed. "What's the Rod of Seasons?"

Maple blinked. "What? You didn't come here looking for it? What a waste of my magic! Never mind. My mistake."

Maple got up and started to fly away on her broom. Link tried catching up to her. "Hey, you!! Tell me more about that..."

Maple paused, and turned her head. She pointed her finger at them.

 She pointed her finger at them

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