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           We had been going out for just over two months now after I had finally confessed to him in the middle of the street. He promised after that that he would never let me go. We were perfect, we were in love, we felt so comfortable together and could talk forever. Of course there were things we had yet to do, yet to learn or talk about, but we really loved each other and that was what mattered, right?

         I was thinking about all this as I hurried out my door to go to school. I was meeting Younghyun at his house before going to school. We did this as many mornings as we could. "Hey!" I saw him sitting on his wall as I neared his house. He jumped down and waited for me to come closer before pulling me into a quick kiss.

          We headed towards school. "You know its almost Christmas holidays." He smiled, "and my parents will be coming home." I looked over at him as we walked. "And you have to meet them." He finished, squeezing my hand gently. "I'd really like that," I smiled, we hadn't experienced a lot of things yet together and this was one of them, meeting his parents. I wondered what they were like. They were usually away on business trips or at work. They hadn't been home at all in the last three months or so  and I knew Younghyun had been looking forward to their return. I asked him some questions about them as we neared the school gates. "And will they like me?" I asked. He looked down at me. "Of course they'll li-"  

          Younghyun was cut off suddenly by a deep voice, "Younghyun!" It was Dowoon, one of Younghyun's band members. "Come on, Sungjin is waiting for you. We wanted to talk about our next practice before maths!" He said to him. Younghyun turned to me and shrugged, "Sorry Abi, we can talk more about this another time. You'll come to my house after school tomorrow right?" I was a little annoyed at having our conversation interrupted, but I smiled anyway and replied, "of course!" It was OK, we could finish the conversation another time, I had to get to class anyway.

        I met Jimin and walked to class with her instead. Jimin was bubbly as usual. "You know Yugyeom right? I think he's in your physics class? Well he's having a party when we break for Christmas. I'm hoping we'll get invited. He's so hot omg." I frowned at her, "I thought something had been going on  between you and Jae?" She rolled her eyes, "We've kissed a few times, but he doesn't seem to want anything more then that so I don't know, I'm giving up on him. I don't want to get a reputation as his arm candy or anything." I sighed the boys in Day6 would always be known as the school playboys, its not that they even were, I learned after hanging out with Younghyun for a while that there wasn't that much truth in the rumours. Yes they were hot and yes they strolled around like they owned the place, but really they were quite sweet - and amazing musicians.

         At lunch the next day Jimin gasped as Yugyeom sauntered up to our table. He smiled warmly, "Hey! I'm planning a party for this Friday, you're welcome to come." I was full sure Jimin was ready to die as he walked away. "Its the perfect opportunity to shake off the "Jae's arm candy Rep"! I can't wait!" I laughed at first but then frowned becoming serious, "Jimin, people don't see me as Younghyun's toy or arm candy or whatever you think you are to Jae do they?"  She just shrugged in response, "don't worry about it, Abi, people come up with tons of rumours all the time. If they do you shouldn't take notice, seeing as he actually does care about you."

Letting Go: sequel to huntWhere stories live. Discover now