Chapter 18

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Igot into my car and drove off

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Igot into my car and drove off. I'm mad as hell, to be honest. I want to go over to that nigga house, and beat his ass. I was alway protect of over Daejah and still is.

Since the day we was born, I been protecting my sister and I wasn't suppose to let shit happen to her.

To find out  Ray been abusing her the way he have, was just wrong. I should've been the one to protect her from all that but I wasn't. 

August probably don't know and I know I'm not gonna be the one to tell him.

I looked off to myside and saw Ariana and Jayden walking together.

I really did have feelings for her, but its hard because Jayden want her to.

But it seem like jayden treating her better. I liked Ariana, when we were in 8th and 9th grade, she was the only girl I wanted.

I saw her everyday, because she is my sister bestfriend. I don't know why I started back liking her. Its something about Ariana, that makes her special.

I don't even know , what I'll do to win her over. I lit my blunt then drove to Giovannas.

I knocked on the door.  Seconds later, she opened up, letting me in. We walked to her room. I sat on her bed, motioning her to sit on my lap. She did as told.

" Davontae are you cheating on me with Ariana." She murmured.

I shook my head. " No."

" Then why you got mad when her and Jayden got done kissing?"

" 'Cause it got to me 'vanna." I mumbled.

" That mean you got feelings for her."

I laid her Down in bed and got between her legs. "The only person I got feelings for is you. "I kissed her neck.


I put my pants back on then put on my jordans.

" Davontae where you going?" Giovanna asked half sleep.

" Home. I gotta get home right now. My momma want to talk to me 'bout some important. " I quickly lied.

She sat up ." Oh okay. " I walked toward her and pecked her lips a couple of times.

" I'll call you when I Make it Home."

She nodded, smiling." Okay ." I walked out of her room, out off he house then drove home. I walked inside.

" Hey ma."

" Hey Davontae."I walked upstairs into my room. I tooo out my phone, to call Reese. I wasn't about to let Ariana loose now.

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