Series in order ♥
{ • My Brother Bestfriend }
{ • This Thing Called Life }
{ • This Is Our Life }
[ This is the first book of the three book series. ]
[ The sequal is published and completed ]
[ Trilogy is posted ]
👇( Story...
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I walked down the hallway trying to figure out where was my Bestfriend at. I turned the corner where Daejah locker was located.
I was hit with yelling. Everyone was yelling, and was in a big circle. I'm surprised security wasn't here yet.
" Ariana, your Daejah in there, with your brother. " Some girl said.
" What the fuck is they doing? " I asked myself, moving through the crowd. " 'cuse me y'all. " I said.
Finally making it through, I saw my brother, August, Davontae, and Daejah all surround.
" Why you worried nigga!? Don't you got a girl?" Reese yelled.
" That ain't nun' of yo' business ."
" Yeah, okay."
" Who you talking to? Not me nigga." August looked beside him.
" I thought I was talking to the shitty ass NewOrleans nigga, that's in front of me."
In swift motion, August punched him in his jaw. Then all hell broke lose, right before my eyes.
I ran up to Reese then held him back and told jayden to help me because, I'm not that strong to hold back my older brother.
Then I told Daejah and Davontae to hold off August. " Man get the fuck off me!" Reese yanked his arm, trying to get out of jayden and my grip.
" Reese you and August need to calm down it ain't even that serious."
" Aint nobody finna calm down this nigga kissed Daejah?" August yelled, getting more mad.
"Wait what ?" I said suprisely, letting go off Reese by accident.
" Ariana why you let go?" Jayden said as he tried to hold back Reese.
When Reese got out of jayden grip, he ran towards August about to throw punches but the security got to them first and everything else was a big blur after that.
Idon't know what the wrong with August . That nigga just mad cause I kissed Daejah .
" So why are you guys in here today ?" The principal asked while sitting down and taking a sip out of his coffee.
" Well first off this nigga Reese wanna kiss Daejah in the hallway." August mumbled, but everyone could hear him.