Series in order ♥
{ • My Brother Bestfriend }
{ • This Thing Called Life }
{ • This Is Our Life }
[ This is the first book of the three book series. ]
[ The sequal is published and completed ]
[ Trilogy is posted ]
👇( Story...
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I walked towards Ariana. " Why you looking like that? What's wrong?"
" You knew?"
" I knew what?"
We walked into the room. " Thats she's pregnant?!" Ariana sighed as she sat down. " So you knew?"
" Yes Davontae, I know she's pregnant. I was the first one to know ."
" When y'all find out?"
" Uhh Sunday, the day we made up..... She called me, saying she thought she was pregnant. So I went and bought 4 test. She was afraid to take them, so I took one with her and -"
" You pregnant babe?"
" Davontae if you'll let me finish, I was gonna say my test came out negative but all 3 of hers came out positive. "
" Oh okay.... so does August know?"
I shrugged as I leaned back in my seat. " Honeslty... I don't even know, she planned on to tell him yesterday night, but I don't know is she did or not. And please don't tell him or think about telling him."
" I won't."
I studied is face. " I promise."
I nodded. " Okay."
He sat down next to me, placing his hand on my thigh. " Is the baby still?...."
He nodded, smiling. " Yeah our nephew is still going."
I looked at him. " Nephew? Babe it's it's girl not a boy."
" Nah it's a boy."
I shook my head, " How much you wanna bet?"
" $50."
" Okay bet." We shook on it.
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I groaned as I opened my eyes. I ran my hands down my face as I looked around.
" Shit." I Groaned, shifting my bed as I felt pain from my back. I began remembering what happened tonight as everything came in at once. " Whea' ma baybeh at?" I mumbled to myself as I began to remove all the IVs I was hooked up to.
Momma walked into my room, gasping. " August stop." She dropped everything as she ran up to me .
" Ma' whea' Daejah? I need ta' see ma' baybeh."
The nurses came in, telling me to calm down. They put the IVs back in and told me to relax. " Is she coo'?" I sat up.
Momma didnt say anything. " Ma?!"
" August calm down s-"
" I'm not 'bout to calm down, 'till I found out what's happenin' wit' ma guhfriend."
" Okay August, Daejah she' a coma."
I leaned back in this hard ass bed. " She gon be okay?"
Momma shrugged. " Nobody knows."
I sighed. " What the fuck." I mumbled. " Wha' room she is?"
" She's across the hall, basically, you'll be able to see her soon."
" 'Ight..... Can you get Davontae and Ariana."
" Yeah Aug', but after these detectives talk to you first."
" 'Ight man, bring them in."
After talking to them and awnsering there questions, they left out to go back to the scene or whateva'.
" I'm glad your Okay Augusta." Ariana hugged me.
" Same brah." Davontae and I dapped up.
" Thank ya', especially you Amazon."
She smacked her lips, sitting down on Davontae lap. " Daejah not doing good?"
" Nah she's not, but she's staying stong tho'." Davontae smiled softly.
" Damn." I said softly, looking down at my hands. " How many times she got shot?"
" Uh... 4 times, she lost alot of blood. So they did a blood transfusion and she's been doing better."
" Dats good.... to be honest tho', I thought I was gon' lose my baybeh when I was holdin' ha'."
" What even happened?"
I sighed then explained what happened when we took our walk. There faces was unreadable.
" Who the fuck.... who would do some shit like that?" Davontae mumbled to himself.
" What color car?" Ariana asked.
" A gray honda."Ariana whole body language and mood change but she tried to hide it. " Gray honda?"
" Yeah why? Ya' kno' sum'?"
" Baby what's wrong? "
She sighed. " Ray gotta Gray honda."
" You think he did it?"
" I mean yeah, he might."
" Why you think that, Daejah broke up with that nigga a long time ago, I kno' 'dat nigga still ain't mad at 'dat."
" But he might be mad at you for breaking up with his sister, Hailey. Then her and Daejah got beef together, so she probably was tryna hurt both of y'all, since y'all do date."