●A month later●
Daejah. P.O.V
" Momma can I get more eggs?"
She looked at me weirdly then nodded. She put eggs on my plate. " Thank you." I smiled.
" Mhm. " she hummed. We walked into the dining room. I sat down next to Davontae. He looked at my plate then back at me.
" I thought you hate eggs Daejah?"
" I do, but I wanted some today."
" Oh okay."
" So who you taking to prom?" I asked as I ate my breakfast.
" Daejah." He groaned.
" What?"
" You. You know, I'm taking your Bestfriend. " He told me.
I shook my head. " She is not my bestfriend."
" Yes she is Daejah, damn. Y'all need to stop being stubborn and talk to each other. I haven't heard one word, y'all exchanged to eachother for the last month, y'all haven't talk to eachother. I know y'all can't stay mad at eachother for long. You know how many times Ariana wanted to call or text you..... alot. Y'all can't keep this up longer. I know you wanna talk to her as much as she want to talk to you. Y'all need to get over y'all lil' agruement and talk to eachother about what was really said and what really happened cause I know as long as you and Ariana knew eachother and have been best friends she would never ever do that to you Daejah."
" Thats just not like Ariana, to throw y'all friendship away that y'all had for what 18-19 years. To sneakdiss about you. I just can't see her doing that. So I'm just asking y'all, to please talk to eachother about what happen. And I'm just hoping y'all gon' be back friends 'cause its hard for me. Your my twin sister an she's my girlfriend. Basically I'm in the middle of it and I can't pick sides and I'm not going to, so I need y'all p to stop being stubborn and talk." He grabbed his plate before getting up.
" Bubba I-"
" Nah Daejah." He walked off.
I smacked my lips. " He's right, y'all do need to talk to eachother. When Makayla and I got into arguments we would probably be mad at eachother for 2 minutes then go back talking to eachother. I don't know what it is but y'all 2 are sooo stubborn. Just like go Davontae said, y'all just need to talk."
Before I could say anything momma walked off. I sighed then closed my eyes .
I processed what momma and Davontae just told me . I know that there both right. I do need to talk to Ariana about what happen.
I needed to say sorry about how I handled the whole situation that day. This last month without Ariana was very hard, I'm not even gon lie. I wanted so many times to call and talk to her but I knew she probably wouldn't awnser. I just need to talk to Ariana and get my bestfriend back ASAP. I just don't know how to approach the situation.
After eating my breakfast. I cleaned up my mess before I walked upstairs into my room. After August went back to School, when he served his one week of being suspended. Momma Shelia welcomed him back into the house as long as he don't get into trouble.
I laid down on my bed but instantly stood up. I walked into Davontae room.
" Bubba can you do me a big favor?"
He looked at me as he sprayed his cologne. " It depends on what it is."
I nodded. That when I smelled his cologne which made me nauseous as hell. I swolled, nodded again. " Okay... can you g-go to the store and buy me hot cheetos and pickles?"

My Brothers Bestfriend { Fanfiction }
FanfictionSeries in order ♥ { • My Brother Bestfriend } { • This Thing Called Life } { • This Is Our Life } [ This is the first book of the three book series. ] [ The sequal is published and completed ] [ Trilogy is posted ] 👇( Story...