Chamber 04.5 (short)

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Hello! Now, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be doing a few "shorts" in between chambers during the series! This one, "Chamber 04.5", is a cool little chamber that you do before the real chamber. Like I said, I will do a few more shorts in between chapters! Please let me know if you enjoy these shorts! Enjoy!

The elevator abruptly stopped after just a couple seconds. You were puzzled.

Maybe the chambers are right on top of each other.

But the door opened normally, and the voice came on again.

"We have added a momentary stop to your destination. Before you get to the next chamber, however, Aperture Science would like to test what you've learned in the last five chambers."

"This very simple exercise is about proper portal placement."

"Make your way to the end of the chamber, where your real test will begin again."

There were plenty of walls as you shot blue portals into crevices, the automated orange portals helping you out.

Once you reached the end, you returned to the elevator to resume your journey.

"Very good. The Enrichment Center is happy to say that you now know the basics of portal placement!"

"Remember to check in periodically to see your progress."

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