yeah that's right I got Tumblr, it's about fucking time I know. So wat is my Tumblr you say well good luck finding it. Since I away in the summer I wanted to give my readers something to do so I may have just sent you on an internet scavenger hunt. Here are the clues
find my install first
1. It contains the word memes
2. It contains a _ and a .
3. It's three words long
4. To get closer to the answer ask binger2 about it she might know.
5: is god real?
you will find other clues on the Instagram post
this hunt ends on September 4 good luck
~ random SHIT~
Diversoshey, you want to hear a piece of shit rant about her life? too bad you fucking reading this! I update daily, for the most part, that way you can have your necessary amount of daily sarcasm. There will probably be some Hetalia memes in there too. You...