• three

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      "psst, what's your name?", jisun rolled her eyes at the male who was constantly bombarding her with questions. "leave me alone.", she whispered back and began to write.

the bell rang and jisun began to pack up her things. she noticed the male just sitting there, but she didn't bother to inform him that it was time to leave. jisun slung the bag on her shoulders and walked to the door.

after everyone left, jungkook stood up and followed the female. before she could leave the room, he grabbed her by her wrist and pinned her to the wall next to the door.

he looked into her eyes as they were wide from his sudden action. he leaned down to get to her height and she moved her head. he chuckled and let his hand rest on his side.

"i just want to know your name baby.", he said and looked at her. she let out a loud sigh. "lee jisun.", she answered and disappeared from his sight.

jisun sat in between mark and misoo. she kept thinking about the previous moment. she shook her head and stopped it from coming back to her head.

"if he wants to play that game, we can play that game.", she whispered to herself and smiled. she excused herself from her two friends and began to walk to another table.

she stopped in front of the table that consisted of a group of seven boys. she looked around the table and spotted the brown haired male. she noticed that one of the boys began to stare and all of them began to stare after.

"vibe killer girl.", a blonde haired male cheerfully said and smiled. she just planted a side smile and went for the boy's hand. she snatched his hand and dragged him away from the group of boys and the cafeteria.

she forced him into the janitor's closet and locked the door. "what's going on? why are we-.", he began to speak, but stopped himself. a smirk appeared on his face and he laughed, "oh i see what's going on."

"i never got your name.", jisun began and walked closer and closer to the male. a loud thump was heard and the male was now pinned against the wall of the closet. "jeon jungkook.", he spoke and kept that smirk plastered on his face.

jungkook stared into jisun's eyes as he was still pinned onto the wall. she opened her mouth to speak, but jungkook quickly changed positions and gripped her waist.

they just had intense eye contact with one another. jisun began to chuckle and force jungkook's hand off of her waist. "it was nice to meet you jeon jungkook.", she smiled and shut the door behind her.

jungkook let out a laugh as the door slammed shut. he rubbed his chin and shook his head while still smiling. "what a tease.", he said and walked back to the cafeteria.

the final bell rang signaling the students that the school day was over. jisun smiled to herself and packed her things. she quickly walked through the classroom door and walked out of the school's front doors.

she placed her headphones in her ears and bobbed her head to the music that was blasting. she mouthed the words as she kicked the rocks and pebbles in her way.

she noticed her shoe laces untied. she sighed and squared down to re tie her laces. she stood up and straightened her school skirt. she began to walk again, but stopped once she noticed something in the corner of her eye.

jisun stared at the male as he smirked at her. she removed her headphones and chuckled. "what now?", she asked. jungkook turned down the music and motioned for her to get in the passenger seat of his car.

"no thank you jungkook.", she replied and began to walk again. jungkook stepped on his gas and kept up with her pace.

jungkook looked to his right and smiled. he stared at jisun as she was looking outside the window. she drew little figures on the window and mouthed the words to the soft music playing in the background.

jungkook swiftly moved his hand to jisun's exposed thigh. jisun let out a small laugh and grabbed his hand. "don't try me.", jisun scolded jungkook and placed his hand back on the wheel.

they came to a stop as they arrived at jisun's house. jisun slammed the door shut and turned around to walk inside of the empty small house. jungkook rolled down the window, "see you tomorrow morning!", he yelled through the window and drove off.

jisun widened her eyes and turned around to say no, but she was too late. "aishhh, jeon jungkook.", jisun groaned and shut her front door.

the next morning, jisun cleaned her bowl that contained cereal after she was done. she grabbed her bag and began to leave her house. she turned around and met with a familiar black car.

the window rolled down and revealed jeon jungkook. jisun scoffed and smiled, "wow, amazing.", she laughed. jungkook sent her a wide smile and turned up the music.

as they arrived at the school, jisun quickly left jungkook's car and ran off to the front of the school. jungkook chuckled and shook his head as he removed the key from the car.

the seven boys walked down the hallway to lunch. girls whispered as they passed by. it was a daily routine that they would honestly never get tired of. the boys loved the attention they got.

the boys winked at a couple of girls and they literally fainted. the boys let out laughs and gave a high five to one another.

jisun shut her locker and turned around leaning against it. mark and misoo had their own conversation as jisun just stood there.

she placed her phone in her hand and looked up. she spotted the same seven boys that walked down the hallway like a fucking fashion show. jisun let out a quiet scoff.

misoo stared at jungkook in awe and nudged jisun's arm. jisun shrugged it off and stared at mark who was annoyed. jisun laughed and shook her head. she watched as the boys walked down.

she turned forward and began to walk away from her locker. she felt an arm wrap around her shoulder. she stopped in her tracks and looked up. she met eyes with the same brown ones that looked at her this morning.

jungkook sent her a wink and smiled at her. jisun looked around and saw girls giving her dirty stares and whispering. she sighed and looked back at jungkook. she sent him a fake smile and rolled her eyes. she shrugged his arm off her shoulder and walked off unbothered.

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