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"noona!", a voice called behind jisun. a smile appeared on her face as she turned around. "mark!", she hugged the younger male as they met.

"how was your summer?", mark asked jisun as they sat down. all she did was shrug her shoulders. the teacher walked in and everyone greeted him. "welcome back students!", he smiled and everyone groaned in return.

the math lesson went on and on. jisun felt herself fall asleep, but was quickly awoken by mark. "noona, the bell rang.", he whispered. she smiled and stood up.

mark and jisun separated as they walked to their next class. "yah!", a voice yelled. jisun turned around and spotted a group of boys and a girl. she stopped and examined the sight before her. the boys were bombarding the poor girl with questions and trapping her on the locker.

jisun scoffed and rolled her eyes. she walked to the group of boys and stopped in her tracks. "yah!", she yelled. the boys got quiet and the girl stared at jisun. a tall male turned around and smirked.

"what brings you here?", he asked. "i'm not here for you guys. i'm here for her. stop torturing people please. c'mon.", jisun snatched the younger girl's hand and dragged her away from the group of boys.

jisun and the girl stopped when they turned around the corner. she dropped the girl's hand and looked at her. "call me for anything.", jisun said and smiled. the girl quickly nodded and gave jisun a hug. she ran away before anything else could happen.

"who was that?", jimin asked stuffing his face with the rice cakes. the boys shrugged. "i have no clue, but she's killing my vibe.", namjoon said and shook his head.

"see y'all later!", jungkook waved and walked away from the other boys. he recently got transferred to a different history class since he aced his test. "why do they have to be so stupid. i don't want to be in this class alone.", jungkook sighed.

jisun concentrated on her history worksheet that was handed out. "kang misoo. what's the answer to number 7?", she whispered. misoo let out a quiet chuckle, "it's B.", she whispered back and continued.

the classroom door suddenly opened and all of the students stared at the kid who interrupted the quietness of the classroom. "hi, i'm the transferred student.", the tall dark haired boy greeted. girls began to whisper and smile at the male.

"wahhhhh, he's so cute. i wonder how he is in bed.", misoo said and smiled at the male. "yah! misoo, get your head out of your ass. he's not that cute anyways. and plus, he's a total dick.", jisun said and rolled her eyes.

misoo frowned at jisun and hit the back of her head, "yah! don't talk about a god like that.", jisun gripped her head and bit her bottom lip. the girls were interrupted when a presence was next to misoo.

jungkook stared the other students in front of him. his eyes scanned the whole room. he found some girls staring at him and he sent them all a wink. they squealed and continued to stare.

his eyes stopped once he saw two girls fighting. he watched the blonde haired girl hit the other girl's head. he let out a soft chuckle and looked down. "she looks familiar.", he thought and went back to the memories.

"vibe killer girl.", he whispered and smiled. the teacher insisted that he sit by another male, but jungkook ignored him and walked straight to the back.

"excuse me, but can i sit here?", jungkook asked the blonde haired girl. the girls stopped their quarrel and stared at the boy. "of course.", she looked at her friend and gestured for her to leave her seat. the brown haired girl began to pack her things and stand up.

"no, you can stay, but i want her to leave.", jungkook pointed at the blonde haired girl to move out of her seat. misoo scoffed and stood up from her seat. she moved her things to the seat behind her. misoo was now sitting alone.

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