• two

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jisun dragged her body into the cafeteria. "what's up with you?", mark asked. jisun just looked at him and frowned. "aw noona. don't frown. it's not a good look on you.", he smiled. jisun managed a smile on her face as she sat next to mark.

lunch was filled with students just having their own conversation and misoo complaining that she wasn't sitting next to the new transfer. jisun rolled her eyes and finished her sandwich.

after lunch was over, jisun followed behind mark and misoo. they all had gym together for the next period. jisun and misoo bid goodbye to their friend as they walked into the girl's locker room.

jisun changed into the shorts and t shirt that were required for gym. misoo touched up her makeup and hair in the mirror. "yah, why are you looking good? it's going to come off anyways.", jisun giggled and stared at her friend. misoo glared at jisun and walked away. "diva.", jisun whispered and followed misoo.

all of the girls walked out into the gym and sat in the bleachers. the boys left their locker room and sat in the bleachers after. the gym teachers met and started talking to each other. misoo began to talk to jisun about boys and other things, but jisun blocked her out and dazed off.

jungkook and the rest of the boys began to sprint. he spotted the two girls from earlier and watched them fight again. it was really amusing to him for some reason.

he ran passed the boys and other students and caught up with the two girls. he smiled at the blonde haired girl and looked at the girl next to her. "features like an angel.", he whispered and smiled.

jungkook started to have a conversation with the girls until the brown haired one sprinted faster and left him alone with the other girl.

jisun placed her hands on her knees and caught her breath. "good job jisun! you beat your time from your last mile.", her coach gave her a high five and smiled. jisun managed a smile on her now sweaty face.

she grabbed a towel and a bottle of water and sat down next to misoo. "calm down misoo. you literally ran a lap. not even the whole thing.", jisun laughed and pushed her friend. she wiped her face down and gulped down some water.

jisun sprayed perfume on her clothes after she changed. she smiled and grabbed her bag. "i'm leaving.", she yelled after misoo who was rushing. jisun pushed the door open and began to walk off to her next class.

she turned the corner and to her luck she met eyes with the familiar brown haired boy. "great.", she whispered and sighed.

jungkook smiled as he spotted the brown haired female. he looked at her as she began to walk closer to him. he stopped her and turned her around to meet eyes with him again.

"i just wanted to say that you're a pretty good runner.", he smirked. jisun squinted her eyes at him and scoffed. "thanks?", she questioned and walked off.

"yoooooo jeon jungkook.", taehyung yelled. jungkook looked behind him and smiled as his friends caught up to him. tashyung connected his arm around jungkook's shoulders and kept walking.

the seven boys sat in jungkook's bedroom and played their video games. "so vibe killer girl is in my new history class.", jungkook suddenly blurted out. the boys who weren't playing stared at the younger male.

"did she kill your vibe?", namjoon chuckled and went back to pounding the buttons on the controller. "she doesn't talk much, but let me just tell you that she looks great in our gym shorts.". jungkook placed his tongue in his cheek and smirked.

"yahhhhh, our jungkookie out here wilding.", the older males all said and gave jungkook a pat on the back. they all shared a laugh and continued with their games.

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