Chapter twelve

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"So whats the plan?" I ask shoving scrambled eggs in my mouth.

"The plan is for you not to choke on your food firstly, and than we're going to pay a little visit to your tribe." He says.

I roll my eyes.

"I wont choke." I say, my voice muffled by the eggs.

"Yeah? Well stop talking and eat beautiful." He smirks.

I roll my eyes again.

Its been a few days since Ive actually had a decent meal. Ive been so pre occupied with finding Alec and killing the nasty prick that I haven't done much else.

Sad, I know.

"Whats the plan of action? Because as soon as they smell us, they'll be ready to torch us all." Kendall says, chewing on a piece of bacon.

"The plan in to take seven of us. Those who we'll need to help fight the leaches." Zander explains.

I close my eyes and think.

As soon as Dean smells wolves he'll be ready to kill to get to me. And Zander will be ready to kill anything that tries to take me from him. Why is having a mate so complicated? I mean a normal witch wouldn't have to deal with this shit! But then again I'm definitely no normal witch now am I?

"I had a boyfriend." I blurt out.

"What!" Zander growls.

"Relax cujo. Dean will do whatever he can to get me back. He will fight and he will kill to save those in his tribe. However, I think i have an idea." I say.

I can feel Zander's anger that I brought up Dean. But Dean was a big person in my life and he deserves so much better. He deserves a better explanation. I mean even though i have a mate doesn't mean i want to cut him out of my life.

What will happen with Wyatt? What about dad? They're both probably out looking for leads and setting magic traps for wolves. It'll be hard to make them see reason.

I just hope no one gets hurt.

"I propose that when we arrive I be the first to get out and talk. No one else will get out until i give my okay. I don't want anyone hurt." I tell them.

"No. How do I know they wont try to hurt you?" Zander argues.

I scoff, "I am their leader. The pure essence of their being. Theres no way they'll try to kill me."

"If it stops us from getting hurt Im all for it." Kendall says.

"See!" I chuckle.

"Whatever, any sign of trouble and I'll be out by your side in seconds."

"Thats fine with me." I accept.

When there's possible danger there really is no way for a girl to appease her mate, is there?

Zander moves off to his office and I continue scarfing down eggs and bacon.

Fuck, bacon is delicious.

Within the hour Zander contacted those he wants in attendance during our little meeting at the tribe.

There's the pack's Beta, Samuel. I can tell he's smart and cunning. He is strong and dependable. I know I can trust him with my life.

Then there's Liam. Blonde, blue eyed hunk. Clearly not as good looking as Zander but i mean he's a good second.

Riley stands alone in the corner of the room. He seems to enjoy his own company but Zander says he's one of the most trust worthy wolves he's ever met. Im glad to have him on our side.

Tyler and Porter are twins. They look exactly the same. Im never going to be able to tell them apart and i know ill feel awful for it sometime in the future when i mix them up. Im sorry in advanced.

Lastly there's Sarah and Niki. Both look well trained and lethal but still fun to be around. Quiet girls so far but then again i gather they've never really been in the presence of a witch before. Especially not one that's mated to a wolf; their alpha no less.

It'll be a learning experience for everyone, no doubt.

"Lets get this party started. We're all clear on the plan right?" Zander asks.

"Yes, alpha." They respond.

Lets get going.

We jump in the vans and speed out of the drive way, away from the pack and towards the tribe.

Wish mw luck.

Im going to need it.


Hahahahahaha yeah i know its been like seven years but hey! I updated!! Yay!

Tell me what you think, hope you liked it because its like midnight and im dead tired but i was determined to write and post a chapter in this book because its been so damn long.

That for which im sorry about btw.

Oh, also i plan on updating the cover soon after i post this so please tell me what you think of that aswell!

Dont forget to vote please!!

-maddison danielle-

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