Grant Gustin {1}

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You grab your keys out of the dish by the front door and take one last look into the mirror. You glance over at the calendar you had made on one of the many lonely nights you had spent while your boyfriend Grant Gustin was away filming his new show The Flash in which he had landed the starring role.

Dates were chronologically crossed out, leading up to one last date box which had a picture of Grant in it with a large gold heart drawn around it. He was finally coming home and you would be standing right there at the gate when his flight landed.

A smile spreads across your face as you picture what your reunion with Grant will be like. Will you run towards him and throw your arms around him and he spins you around like they do in the movies?

Will you fall into each others arms and start kissing each other with everything you have in you? Or will it be more like you throw yourself at him with such force you both fall to the ground?

You chuckle to yourself, saying "Yep, that's the one" as you come to the conclusion that the last scenario is probably the most plausible since both you and Grant are "vertically challenged" at times, as he always calls it.

One last outfit check and you're out the door. Traffic is surprisingly calm for this time of day, which is a welcome break for you as you don't want to be late for the airport. You want to be standing right there at the gate when your tall, dark, green eyed actor boyfriend walks through the door and back into your life after a three-month long absence.

A tear threatens to spill over your eyelids as you think about the past three months, only being able to see him once a week through iChat or Skype or FaceTime when he would call you right before a big scene as a way to calm his nerves.

He always said the sound of your voice calmed him down. He had even made you record your voice onto his phone so he could listen to it whenever he felt like it. You loved that about him: how he could make you feel like the most special girl in the world, even if he was in a different country.

Your mind wandered off to the one night he had called you on FaceTime, his flawless features plagued by a look of worry. He had found out that his character Barry Allen was getting a love interest in Linda Park, played by Malese Jow.

Their characters were supposed to have a make-out scene, which Grant was nervous about because he didn't want to hurt your feelings by having to be intimate with someone else.

He had been afraid you'd get jealous or upset by it, since he knew he had been your first and that intimacy was something he only wanted to share with you, not with a complete stranger with a dozen cameras and people watching.

You had spent almost 30 minutes reassuring him that you were okay with it and that you knew it came with the job of being an actor. Of course, you did have a slight fear that Grant and his on-screen love interest would develop feelings for each other, just like you and Grant had over two years ago.

Even before you really knew Grant, you knew he was special. You had been following his career ever since you had heard him sing on Glee and you had been mesmerized by him ever since.

When you had finally met him by some dumb coincidence, the idea of him that you had formed in your head didn't do him any justice. He was so much better than you had ever imagined: he was more handsome than he was on TV, taller, more adorable and he had the most amazing personality.

Completely lost in your thoughts, you were pulling into the airport parking lot and before you knew it, a group of paparazzi were already following you around. "(YN)! (YN)! Are you excited about Grant finally coming home?" "What are your thoughts about the story of Grant getting drunk and taking a girl home with him?" "Is it true that he got a minor pregnant?"

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