Chapter Five

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"I kinda like Shay."

I stared at him for a minute. "Oh." I couldn't believe that he liked her, i mean it wasn't exactly unexpected but the fact that he told me was a bit shocking "Oh." I repeated. "Is that okay? I mean i know she's your best friend but i kinda wanted to ask her out..." He looked down at his lap and fiddled with his thumbs. I thought about it for awhile, then looked up at him and giggled. "I kinda like Dalton, so umm yeah, if your cool with that then go ahead, ask her out. I just don't want any make out sessions while I'm around, deal?" He smiled and nodded quickly "deal"


The next morning I woke up around 10:30 and realized that i had nothing to do. I guess i could ask shay to hang out? Yeah, I should eat first.

I went downstairs to get breakfast and saw Cole sitting on the couch playing C.O.D. "Good morning."i said. He didn't even turn his head, just replied "morning" Aww, how cute, he actually responded. Cole and i might of been close, but when he was playing a game, he was in another world. I went in to the kitchen to make some toast when i heard Cole scream "Crap! Stupid camper!" He put the remote down and came into the kitchen "bad game?" I asked and he sighed "Yeah."

His phone went off and he checked the message "Hey, I have rehearsal today, do you wanna come?" I gave him a weird look, "why?" He looked slightly irritated at my questioning "I don't know, i thought now that you know the band and you kinda like Dalton you could come and watch" I was still confused at his request "What's the catch?" He put on a fake smile "No catch, you could bring shay too just incase you get bored. Ya know, only if you want..." And there it was "Ahhhhh, that's what it is eh? What if i didn't bring Shay?" he looked a bit disappointed "you can still come..... i guess" i laughed a bit then smiled "I'll bring her." his face lit up "cool."

I texted shay and she was over within a half hour. We got into the car with Cole and headed for the studio.

When we arrived i was shocked at the building, it was huge, and we had to sign in. It was a beautiful building to be quite honest. We went up stairs to the studios and I saw that the onther boys had already arrived.

"Hey guys!' the boys all looked over to me and Dana ran to give me a hug. "Hi Skylar, Shay! How are you guys?" Shay was to busy looking around the studio to care what Dana had to say. "I'm doing great! how about you?" Dana laughed "Good, excited to learn the choreography for our new song. Which by the way I have to go to right now so I'll talk to you after." Dana walked off and i went to sit against the wall with Shay so we could watch.

The boys practised their dances for Go, Zero Gravity, and Dont Run Away. It was quite fun actually, watching the boys practise, i always knew that Cole was a good dancer but seeing them preform all together was quite amazing. They kept in sync really well, with both the music and each other, and the choregraphy was good too!

Sooner than i expected though the rehersal was over and the boys were going to the change rooms to put fresh cloths on. Dalton and Gabe were the first ones to come out and I left Shay to go chat with Dalton. 

"Hey! You guys did really well today, the dancing was spectacular!" Dalton smiled and took a sip of his water "Thanks! What made you decide to come out today?" I laughed at the question "Cole invited me, he said i could 'Bring shay if i wanted to' " i said making quotation marks with my hands as Dalton laughed. He had the cutest laugh, ugh Sky, what are you thinking? "How long have you been singing?" I looked up at him shyly "I umm, well i've been singing my whole life I guess but i hate singing in front of people." he frowned slightly "why?" he asked as if it was a simple question " I guess i just dont think im that good, I kinda always feel like people are gonna judge me..." i looked down at my feet awkwardly. "Oh, yeah. I know the feeling." he tapped my shoulder and pointed across the room at Shay and Cole. She screamed and hugged him super tighlty. Oh god, he actually did it.

Hey guys! sorry i havent posted in awhile, i've been super busy with school but now i have a long weekend to write! so I'll be trying to post everyday! Again I'm so sorry for the wait and I'm sorry this chaper is short I'll try and update again today!

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