Chapter Eleven.

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Song for this chapter;

London Grammar- Strong.

We were now standing outside the London Eye. The large white circle before our own eyes, I had only seen this in pictures and movies, but it was nothing like seeing it up close and personal, it was just as beautiful as everything else in London. I was overly impressed so far, and as much as I love it here and wouldn't mind living here, I still love Toronto more than anything, as it's where I've grown up, it's where I met Shawn.

As I stand in front of the famous landmark, Shawn wraps an arm around my shoulder, smiling down at me.

"Do you wanna go on it? My treat." He says, diverting his eyes towards the Eye. I bite my lip softly, shaking my head.

"You know I hate it when you pay for things. I can pay." I whine on at him. It was one of my pet peeves but he never listened to me, being the gentleman he is.

"I know but I'm going to pay for you to go on it anyway, you deserve to have a good day." He grins, before looking towards everyone else. "Are you guys coming on?" He continues, but being the wimps they are, they decline. Shawn drags me by the arm towards the long line when we are stopped by a few girls about the same age as me. I sigh internally, looking at Shawn. He apologises before the girls pull him away for a moment.

I love that he has fans and I knew that there were bound to be a lot here in London, I just hoped we could have a few hours, just me and him, but I can't be selfish with him. As I move up the line I realise Shawn is way behind, still engaged in conversation with the girls. I come to the gate where you pay. I give the young lady the money and hop into a cart. By myself. I was almost at the top, my eyes were still on Shawn, and he was now surrounded by a large group of people, no longer in the line. I could tell he hadn't noticed I was gone.

I decided to enjoy this whilst I could. I was finally at the top so I snapped a picture of the view, swooning at it.

As my feet touched the ground again, I decided not to go over to Shawn. I decided I should go find the group instead, but as I left the gate, Shawn jogged over to me, with a sad look on his face.

"Clara I am so, so, so sorry. I didn't expect to be bombarded with all these people so soon." He apologises, searching my emotionless face.

"Look, forget about it, I just wanna go find the group." I say turning around, walking off.

"But don't you want to go on it? I was going to pay." He says catching up with me, placing a hand on my arm, to stop me from walking.

"I said forget it Shawn. I went on it by myself. I was already at the gate when you were talking to those girls, and yes I love that you have so many fans, but you ditched me. You know what, it's whatever- I got to experience it, even if it wasn't with you." I say. My eyes caught sight of the group and I head over to them, walking next to Ian.

"Was it everything you dreamed of?" Ian chuckles.

"No, but it was still a good experience." I say, a fake smile showing on my features. "Brian do we have time to visit the Madame Tussauds?" I ask, looking over my shoulder discretely to see Shawn trailing behind slowly with a frown planted on his face. I shrug it off, turning my attention back.

"Yeah, of course! I don't see why we can't stop by, what is it you want to see there?" He asks me, as we head in no direction in particular.

"I just want to see the wax museum to be honest." I say. Brian nods, looking at his phone as usual.

"We will have to call a car to take us there and it's pretty pricey but it's doable." He remarks, calling an Uber, to come pick us up.

I nod humming, feeling a light tap on my shoulder, I stop what I'm doing and turn around, my eyes meeting Shawn's brown ones. He still has a sad look on his face, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Clara you do know I'm sorry don't you." He asks me, taking my small hand into his large on. I sigh, not looking at him, removing my hand from his, the warmth betraying me.

"I know you are, but I need some time okay? If this is how it's going to be for the next five months then not to sound conceited or selfish, but I don't wanna be on this tour if I'm going to keep getting ditched." I say rather harshly towards the boy in front of me.

He just nods. He had tears in his eyes, probably due to the fact that I told him I didn't want to be on this tour. As much as I wanted to hug him and tell him I'm sorry, I didn't let my guard down, I put on a brave face and began walking again, catching up with Ian and Geoff.

"Hey are you and Shawn alright?" Geoff asks me, rising his eyebrows, I nod abruptly, waving him off mentally. I know I was harsh, but what was the point in me being on this tour if Shawn was going to keep ditching me? We were only two days in and I was already feeling like shit. I wanted to ring my Dad so bad, so he could give me a pep talk and tell me to suck it up, but I didn't want to disturb him with my problems all the time, because he was busy with work He didn't need to worry about me as well.

I shake off my thoughts, and bring myself back to reality. The Uber was now in front of us and Ian was trying to pry me into the car, as I had been standing stiff for a good few minutes. I slowly duck into the car, music blasting through the speakers into my ears. I bite my lip slightly, feeling embarrassed.

"Clara are you sure you're okay?" Brian chips into our recent conversation.

"Yes!" I hiss, feeling slightly pressured. "I'm peachy okay, now everyone stop asking Me." huffing I turn my head to look out of the window, staring out at nothing.

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