Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

After stuffing our mouths with eggs and toast we decided it was time to leave Asonia's room.  I took some more of her clothes for Emily and I. Poor Emily, Asonia's clothes were really baggy on her. They were on me to, but not as bad. 

We had formulated a plan in which we would sneak up that dusty, rusty, stinky, and wet staircase that led to two of the main soldiers gaurding the jail. I would put my fire powers to good use and target their heart through their backs.  I didn't want to do any killing, but I figured I might as well get used to it. 

We started moving quickly and slowly from Asonia's room. Someone would be down there in a few hours to see why none of the prisoners had been fed, so that is why we decided to leave so early in the morning.  We tiptoed quietly to where the gaurds were.  They were sitting there with their wings folded neatly against their backs and their faces turned forward watching everything.  I noticed their wings were not only abnormally black, but that they had missing feathers in few spots. I guess those could be considered battle scars. I looked at their backs and determined the exact location of their heart. Brit, Greg, Emily, and I couldn't help but spread our wings to the fullest extent because of excitement.  I readied my hands and sucked in a deep breath.  I closed my eyes and with all my might a thick, long line of dangerous flames shot from my hand and pierced the gaurds' hearts. They writhed around for a minuted and then settled with a sickly gurgle and blood trickling from their mouths. 

I was frozen. Frozen in that exact spot because I had actually killed two people. My vision went blurry  when I realized to the full extent of what exactly I had done. I had killed two people.  I stumbled backward and attempted to run, but Brit caught me by the wrist and gently propped my body up against his. He whispered everything was going to be all right. Then I passed out for the second time in my life.


When I woke up I was sprawled out on a bed. It was not Asonia's room because it was shabbier than this.  My eyes fluttered open and saw that Brit was looking down at me with bags underneath his eyes. He picked up my hand and felt my pulse and asked me if I was going to be okay.

"Yes," I croaked.  I blinked and noticed he was on the verge of slumping over alseep.

"Brit where are we?" I asked and slowly looked around the highly decorated room.

"Let me tell you something first," he said. He had my phone in his hand. "Every angel from where we live has been captured." I could not believe this.  They had gotten a hold of our family.  I was still laying on the bed with my shirt ridden up to my ribs which was a bit embarrassing, but I didn't pull it down. Instead, I shot up and immediately grabbed for my phone, but Brit jerked it away.

"Give me the damn phone!" I screamed. "We have to get help! We have to do something!"

I was beginning to become frantic.

"Greg and Emily are flying over where we've been taken and their trying to figure out just where we are and how we can help the others," he said tiredly. "Right now we're in one of the gaurds' rooms we took out." He ran a hand through his hair tiredly. I realized something.

"Brit, did you stay up all night watching me?" I asked with a smile in my voice.  He wasn't smiling. When he didn't answer I pulled his arms and made him get under the covers with me. I didn't care what Greg and Emily would think, but I let him sleep with me. We didn't do anything, of course.


When we woke up we were wrapped around each other.  I smiled at him sleepily. He was still half asleep. To my surprise, with eyes close, he bent down and kissed me right smack dab on the lips. I gasped, but then I realized he was half asleep and didn't know what he was doing.  I decided I liked this and so I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his muscular chest. I heard him sigh and mumble something. When he mumbled it the second time I understood. He was saying, "Victoria, I think we need to get up." I giggled, but didn't make a move to get up. Instead, I entwined my legs with his. He responded by kissing me again, but he unwraped our legs and stood up. He headed for the bathroom. My stomach was flipping! I had kissed the most sexy boy I had ever see. Yay!

A few moments later I heard an exasperated sigh come from the bathroom. He opened the door and I saw that he was shirtless. I tried to look away, but I couldn't. He was just so hot. He noticed me staring at his very fine abs and started to grin a big wide, toothy grin. 

"Like what you see?" he asked. I was startled. I looked up and quicky looked away, blushing. 

"I was looking at something behind you," I said trying to save myself.  He laughed.

"I forgot my shirt," he said trying to hold in his laughter. I looked at him smugly.

"Show off," I muttered. I thought he didn't hear me, but he did. Well, crap.

I got my clothes and took them into the bathroom to change. I put on one of Asonia's loose, blue tank tops and a pair of jean shorts that surprisingly fit really good.  I walked out of the bathroom and heard Brit whistle behind me. So immature.

Greg and Emily were on the couch in the livingroom. It was the most adorable sight I had ever seen. Brother and sister were curled up together snoring. I realized they looked a whole lot alike when they were this close together.

I couldn't help myself. "Aww," I sighed. Brit saw and smiled.

"I know, right?" he said.  I tapped Emily and Greg on the shoulder. I could tell Emily had crawled into the couch with Greg because when she woke up she was giggling and looking at Greg. When Greg realized that Emily had crawled in the couch with him he playfully shoved her off and they had a play fight like any brother and sister. Then, I thought about Jonathan...would he be an angel too?


"The other's won't be placed in the prison," Emily suggested. "They know we've escaped and now this place is going to be heavily gaurded, but still, they will have put them in a place less obvious. It's simply common sense."

We all agreed. They wouldn't be placed in the jail because we have the key and they know we have escaped as Emily had said. We were going to have to get out of this place-wherever we were, but I'm coming to that.

"Apparently we're in a great BIG castle. It's black unsurprisingly. It's like we're stuck in a midevil battle," Greg scoffed.

"Do we have a castle?" I asked Brit. He chuckled.

"No, but we have a mansion for meetings," he said.

"We should have a castle,"Emily added from the corner of the bed.

We grabbed what we could and salvaged all the food we could find in the fridge and we were off down the hall when we spotted a servant girl. She realized we were the escaping prisoners and slapped a hand over her mouth. I hoped she didn't use another forcefield on us. We had learned that it wasn't a power, but a contraption they had installed into the palms of their hands.

I flew towards her (literally). She had wings herself, but they were....they were.....clipped. Before I could think I was feeling sorry for her.

"What happened to your wings?" I asked. She was still very frightened so I let go of her arm knowing she could not fly away.

"I tried to rebel against father and escape to the white side, but they captured me and clipped my wings. Do not worry. I am not against you," she said with weary eyes.

"What's your name?" Brit asked. She blinked a few times.

"Kara," she said.

"We can take you with us if you know your way around the castle and lead us safely out," Emily suggested.Oh, Emily. She was always coming up with magnificent ideas.

"Can you?" Greg asked.  She nodded solemnly. She opened her mouth to say something, but quickly closed it.

"What is it?" I asked her. I was the only one who noticed what she'd done.

"It's just that I don't want to be killed," she said.

"This is your only chance to get out," Brit pointed out.

"Okay, fine," she said grabbing a spray bottle from her cart and wiped a few marks from the floor where we had stepped.


Picture of Asonia on the side>>>>>

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