Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Kara directed us out of the castle safely through back doors and several secret passageways she knew about, but the trouble came in the last passageway she knew about.

Kara scurried ahead of us and pointed to a small door under a staircase.  

"This is the direct exit passageway, but there is a girl right behind it. Her name is Ella. She's only 16, but she can pack a punch. She is one of the Dark Angels and is one of the strongest of Samuel's children. She has been trained ever since she was born to kill. I know her and she likes me. She has told me that she wishes to escape from here because of her controlling father, but she will be hanged if she attempts, so she remains faithful to her father in gaurding this door and other exits. I am not sure you guys will be able to take her on, but you can try. This is our only chance to escape somewhat safely," Kara explained. I glanced at Brit and Greg, knowing they could surely take on a 16 year old girl.

Greg scoffed, "You have nothing to worry about."

Kara looked at him very seriously. Her almond eyes turned dark with fear and warning. "Then you possess nothing of a brain," she said. I couldn't help but smirk at Greg. Brit decided this was no time to say anything so he just redied himself at the passageway.  

Emily laughed at this.

Greg mocked Kara meanly and quickly unlatched the door.

There stood a girl with her black wings spread out facing us. She was wearing a skin tight, black suit that showed she had a beautiful body and it was also very toned.  Her hair was black and long. It was straight and beautiful.  Her eyes were a piercing blue color.  She had very well defined cheekbones as well.

"Who are you?" she asked. Her blood red lips going into an irritated line.

Greg didn't answer. His mouth was gaped open at her beauty. The girl punched him in the face. Greg caught up with what was happening and attempted to throw the girl to the ground, but the girl ducked and kneed him. She used her whole body as a weapon, ducking and swinging and bending in ways I wish I could. Greg was out cold. She turned to Brit and I and gave us a look that told us to leave her the hell alone or we would end up like Greg.

Brit held his hands in the air showing her he meant no harm.

"She reminds me of Black Widow," he said.

 She gave him a very scary glare.  

"Hey, okay.  We're White Angels.  We don't want to hurt anybody. We kind of just want to go home and save the other White Angels," Brit said, his hands still up.

Kara stepped forward, "Ella, I know you trust me. We're all trying to escape from this hell and we want to bring you with us. We both benefit. We help you escape and you help protect us."

The girl turned to me. She walked up to me and wrapped her hand around my neck and pinned me to the wall.

"I can't go because of her. I know who she is. She's the one who caused daddy to stop paying attention to me and treat me like nothing all because of his little dream of possessing this little whore's power. If we try to escape we'll all get killed," she said through her teeth.  I started to choke.  Brit pulled her off of me quickly and held me.

"Ella, please. Trust me," Kara said.  Ella turned her head side to side and finally agreed.

"I know where we should stay," Kara said. She suggested a place hidden in the forest. It was a little house under the ground.  I was still a little shaken up from the encounter with Ella, but I managed to nod and grab Brit's hand to drag him along with Ella gracefully avoided rocks and jumping over logs through our journey. I only managed to get over these obstacles by falling over them.


When we got there, the door was covered by vegetation and sticks carefully.  Kara, Emily, Greg, and Brit cleared off the stuff while I stayed behind with Ella.

"What was that about?" I confronted.  She cocked her head to the side and gave me an evil smile.

"I do not like you," she replied simply.  I laughed and threw my hands up in the air.

"You don't like me," I said with my wings threatening to burst from my back.

"That is what I said," she replied looking down at her knife, sharpening it.

"Because of your stupid father! You don't like me because he was so obsessed with getting and using my powers that he didn't pay attention to you!" I screamed. I didn't know what was wrong with me, but I was really starting to feel angry now.

"Yes. My father was stupid to think that you were the least bit powerful.  You could not even fend for yourself when I strangled you back there. Weakling!" she laughed.  This made me angrier and my wings burst from my back with such force I almost stumbled.

"How dare you call me that! You bitch!" I screamed. I aimed my hands open at her and lightning shot from them and hit her in the stomach.  I had expected only fire, but I had now found my third power.

The others were looking at us now. Ella was clutching her stomach, moaning and shivering.  Greg quickly went to pick her up, but she refused despite her pain. Greg ignored her and proceeded to pick her up and quickly carry her into the house.

I glanced into a puddle and noticed both of my eyeballs (every single part of my eyeball) were now completely electric blue. Figures.  I suddenly felt very drained and slumped to the ground. A strong pair of arms went around my waist and carried me into the house along with Ella.


I was conscious, but I could barely hold my eyes open.  The blue had gone from them, but now they were bloodshot and watery.  I had a terrible headache and could not stand.  Brit had taken me to the very back bedroom so that were isolated and I had a chance to calm down.

"I'm sorry," I said shakily. Brit was sitting beside me. I grasped his arm.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" Brit asked.  He had now set me on top of his lap and was stroking my hair.

"I lost control," I sighed.  

"Really?" he laughed.  I smiled against the side of his neck and began to feel better, but the headache was not completely gone.  I decided to sleep for a while.


When I awoke I noticed immediately that Brit was gone.  I walked into the bedroom where Ella was.  What I saw truly shocked me. There was Greg and Ella.  Greg was stroking Ella's pretty black hair and was rocking her back and forth while she cried into his chest.

"And-and daddy d-doesn't love m-me anymore," she sobbed.  Greg looked at me and gave me a thumbs up.

"Score!" he mouthed. I laughed. Boys are so immature.


When Ella came out from the bedroom her mascara was running down her face.

"What are you looking at," she said with hands on her hips.

I walked away quickly seeing straight through her tough-girl attitude.  I walked straight into the kitchen where I noticed Kara right away.  She looked so pretty. She had gotten some nicer clothes on and had brushed her long, curly brown hair.

"Hey," I said.  She smiled.

"Hi," she said, "We'll be staying here for a while because I know gaurds will be patrolling literally everywhere," she added.

"I understand," I replied.

"There is a war going on.  Apparently you have upset your Uncle Samuel. Not only are their angels captured from Florida, but now he is starting war with all of the White Angels in all locations," she finished.  Everything went blurry.


This is a short chapter, I know, but I ended it with a really good cliff hanger! BTW what did you think about Ella! Isn't she fiesty!! LOL!! Picture of Ella on the side>>>>

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